ГДЗ Англійська мова 3 клас. Зошит [Косован О., Вітушинська Н.] 2021

icon29.11.2023, icon3 Клас / Англійська мова, icon1 360, icon0

Unit 6. Hello, Spring! (Сторінка 70 - 78)
Сторінка 70
1. Circle the correct variant.
The weather (1) is sunny and warm today. The sun (2) is shining. The sky (3) is blue. I never (4) stay at home when the weather is fine. The weather (5) was cold and windy yesterday. The sky (6) was grey. There (7) were many clouds in the sky. I (8) stayed at home and (9) played computer games yesterday.
2. Fill in the table.



3. Make up sentences.
1. It's cold and snowy in the USA.
2. It's cool and rainy in England.
3. It's warm and cloudy in France.
4. It's hot and sunny in Italy.
Сторінка 71
1. Complete yhe names of months.
2. February
3. March
4. April
5. May
6. June
7. July
8. August
9. September
10. October
11. November
12. December
Сторінка 72
2. Fill in the blanks.
There are twelve months in a (1) year. The year has got (2) four seasons. Each season has got (3) three months. Spring is my favourite (4) season. It is usually (5) sunny and warm in spring. The grass and trees are (6) green. The birds (7) sing their songs. March, April and May are spring (8) months.
3. Make up questions and short answers.
1. There aren't any trees in the yard.
Are there any trees in the yard? No, there aren't.
2. There are three months in winter.
Are there three months in winter? Yes, there are.
3. There is a book in my bag.
Is there a book in my bag? Yes, there is.
4. There isn't any cloud in the sky.
Is there any cloud in the sky? No, there isn't.
Сторінка 73
1. Write about children's birthdays. Use the example.
1. My birthday is in September. Come to my birthday party! It's on Sunday at two o'clock.
2. My birthday is in May. Come to my birthday party! It's on Friday at seven o'clock.
3. My birthday is in January. Come to my birsday party! It's on Thursday at five o'clock.
3. My birthday is in August. Come to my birthday party! It's on Saturday at three o'clock.
Сторінка 74
2. Circle the correct variant.
1. There are four seasons in a year.
2. There are twelve months in s year.
3. There are three months in a season.
4. There are seven days in a week.
5. New Year is in January.
6. School starts in September.
7. School is over in May.
8. February has twenty-nine days each leap year.
3. Write an e-mail to a friend about your favourite season (4-5 sentences).
Hi, Jane!
My favourite season of the year is summer. The school is over and the weather is hot. We can go outside and play all day long. We can swim in the river, ride a bike, run and jump. The weather is usually sunny.
I like summer very much.
Сторінка 75
1. Fill in the blanks and match.
B 1. Easter basket
E 2. Easter bunny
F 3. hot cross buns
A 4. church
C 5. Christ
D 6. coloured eggs
Unscramble the sentences.
1. People celebrate Easter in spring.
2. People like eating hot cross buns.
3. Easter bunny brings coloured eggs.
4. People give thanks to Christ on Easter.
5. People go to church on Easter Sunday.
Сторінка 76
1. Tick what you read in the text.
1 Children and their teacher are in the park.
3 The trees and grass are green.
5 It is raining and children are hiding under the tree.
2. Complete the sentences. Number.
1. The wind is blowing.
2. The birds are singing their songs.
3. Children are playing hide-and-seek.
4. The sun is looking out.
5. The rain is going to stop.
6. Children are walking in the park.
Сторінка 77
1. Match the opposites.
1. cold - B. hot
2. sunny - D. cloudy
3. fine - A. bad
4. happy - C. sad
2. Make up sentences.
1. There is a dog.
2. There are six cats.
3. There is a mouse.
4. There are five frogs.
5. There are three elephants.
6. There are two ducks.
Сторінка 78
3. Number.
4 - 1. It's sunny.
6 - 2. It's hot.
7 - 3. It's windy.
8 - 4. It's cloudy.
1 - 5. It's raining.
3 - 6. It's snowing.
2 - 7. It's cold.
5 - 8. It's warm.
4. Write answers.
1. What is your favourite season? My favourite season is summer.
2. What is your favourite month? My favourite month is June.
3. When is your birthday? My birthday is in August.
4. What is the weather like today? The weather is warm and sunny.

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