ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Зошит з граматики Prepare 6. Grammar [Скрипнік І.Ю.] 2023

icon01.10.2024, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon123, icon0

Сторінка 40:
1. Роздивіться хмару слів та запишіть слова, використавши ці правила.
+ ing
lying - ie + y + ing
Verb + іng
remove - е + ing
double consonant + ing
2. Обведіть правильні слова, щоб доповнити речення.
1) (Were) they playing football yesterday at 12 o'clock?
2) Mark and Tony (were) tidying their room yesterday morning.
3) What (were) you doing at 6 p.m. yesterday?
4) He (wasn't) sleeping at 7 a.m., he (was) having breakfast.
5) Claire (was) visiting her family last night.
6) I (was) listening to music at 8 o'clock last night.
7) My mum and I (were) doing some shopping yesterday afternoon.
8) Yesterday she (was) wearing a nice pale blue sweater.
3. Доповніть діалог формою past continuous дієслів у дужках.
1 - was blowing
2 - were going
3 - were
4 - walking
5 - were looking
6 - were going
4. Роздивіться зображення. Запишіть, що робили люди о третій годині вчора.
1) She was playing volleyball.
2) She was chatting.
3) They were watching a 3D - film.
4) They were cooking.
5) She was sleeping.
6) He was studying.
7) They were taking pictures.
8) He was playing computer games.
Сторінка 41:
5. Доповніть речення формою past continuous дієслів у дужках. Потім поєднайте запитання з відповідями.
0. Where were you yesterday? I phoned you but you didn't answer. c
1. Were you dfing your homework at noon last Sunday? f
2. Were you playing football? a
3. There were so many people at the party, but I didn't see Ross. Where was he? b
4. What were they doing at six o'clock yesterday morning? e
5. Did you watch the game last night? g
6. What were you doing yesterday at 3 o'clock? d
a. No, we weren't. It (was raining) so we (were watching) TV.
b. No, he (was getting) ready for a race that's why he wasn't there.
c. Yesterday at 12 o'clock I (was playing) volleyball with my brother.
d. Yesterday afternoon we (were going) to the airport to meet our cousin.
e. I don't know. I (was sleeping) in my room at 6 o'clock yesterday morning.
f. No, I wasn't. The weather was great and I (was swimming) in the lake.
g. No, it started at 7 p.m. and I (was waiting) for Rika.
6. Прочитайте телефонну розмову між Нейтаном та Кіммі. Використайте слова з рамки, щоб доповнити речення.
1 - was helping
2 - was cooking
3 - was sleeping
4 - was tidying
5 - were having
6 - was snowing
7 - was playing
8 - were watching
9 - was helping
10 - is raining
7. Доповніть речення дієсловом to be у формі present continuous чи past continuous.
1) He wasn't at home last night. He (was) playing hockey.
2) It was a beautiful day yesterday. The sun (was) shining and the birds (were) singing in the forest.
3) A: What (were) they doing yesterday at 10 a.m.?
B: Emily (was) drawing and her sister (was) doing her homework.
4) You should be at home now. Where (are) you going?
5) It (was) raining that's why we decided to stay at home.
6) I (wasn't) playing computer games yesterday evening because I (was) walking in the park with my friends.
7) Yesterday she (was) wearing jeans and a warm sweater, but it's warm today, so she (is) wearing a lovely dress.
8) A: What (is) he doing?
B: He (is) looking for his keys.
8. Роздивіться зображення. Скажіть, що варто, а що не варто робити людям з огляду на погоду.
1) I think they should have a picnic today, it's sunny.
2) I think they should go for a walk in the park today, it's warm enough.
3) I think they shouldn't go skating today, it's too snowy.
4) I think she should take an umbrella today, it's raining.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова Зошит Зошит з граматики 2023 6 клас НУШ Скрипнік Лінгвіст
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