ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Test book Prepare [Торрес Люсі] 2023

icon28.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon6 391, icon0

Unit 7. Test A.
1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. I went to Lisbon and stayed at a little hotel in the city.
2. Last year, I went camping for my holiday. It was really brilliant.
3. I don't usually buy presents for people when I go on holiday.
4. We rode our bikes every day in the summer. It was great fun.
5. We do watersports when we go on holiday to the beach in August.
6. Go sightseeing when you go to Barcelona. There are lots of interesting places to see.
7. We had a relaxing day just lying on the beach.
8. Did you take many photos when you were on holiday?
2. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1. You can take one suitcase on the plane. - B.
2. Don't forget your passport. The tour stops in five different countries.
3. Our plane leaves at 4 o'clock. Let's go to the airport at 1.30. - C.
4. Last summer we flew to Hong Kong. It was my first time on an international flight. - B.
5. I bought a map of the city. Now we can decide where to go. - B.
6. You have to buy a ticket before you catch the bus. - C.
7. Let's follow the other tourists and see where they are going. - A.
8. Let's go camping next year. I love sleeping in tents. - A.
3. Choose the right word to complete the sentences.
1. When we were in Greece, we swam in the sea every day.
2. Marina came to my house and we watched a film.
3. I didn't get up early this morning. It's Saturday.
4. We didn't sleep in tents on our last holiday. We stayed at a hotel.
5. We didn't meet at my house at the weekend. We met at the cinema.
6. Did you go to Milan last weekend?
7. We couldn't buy presents for our friends. The shops were closed.
8. Did you fly to America last year?
4. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1. We rode our bikes to the beach yesterday.
2. I hope you had a great time in Turkey last week.
3. My family and I saw my friends and their parents last weekend.
4. Did you buy any presents on holiday?
5. What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
6. Do you like my new watch? My aunt gave it to me.
7. We went to a show on Broadway.
8. I didn't take lots of photos when we were in Barcelona last month.
5. Listen to the words. Match them with the words with the same vowel sounds.
1 - e; 2 - b; 3 - f; 4 - c; 5 - a; 6 - h; 7 - d; 8 - g;

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