ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2023

icon28.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon3 535, icon0

Unit 5a
Сторінка 48
A. Find six words related to computers in the grid and label the pictures.
1. laptop.
2. keyboard.
3. monitor.
4. mouse.
5. speaker.
6. printer.
B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1. There's definitely something wrong with the screen I can’t see anything.
2. Sandy found some great bargains at that new shop in town.
3. This cafe has got free wireless Internet.
4. There is a long queue of people waiting to buy their tickets at the entrance of the cinema.
5. Can you put some of these songs on my USB flash drive? I really like them.
6. There is a science fair at Mount St Joseph Secondary School next Saturday.
7. Steve is a computer expert he knows everything about computers.
Сторінка 49
C. Look at Rob's schedule and complete the sentences using the Future be going to, as in the example.
1. Rob isn't going to the funfair with Billy and Joe on Monday. He's going to do the housework.
2. Rob is going to see a film with Billy on Tuesday.
3. Rob is going to tidy his room on Wednesday.
4. Rob isn't going to the computer fair with Dylan on Thursday. He is going to have a barbecue.
5. Rob is going to visit his cousins on Friday.
6. Rob isn't going to buy a new printer on Saturday. He is going to wash the car.
7. Rob isn't going to play computer games on Sunday. He is going to hang out with Sally.
D. Complete the dialogues. Use the Future be going to of the verbs in the box.
1. A: I am not going to wear this dress to the party. I don't like red.
B: Yeah. Blue is nicer.
2. A: Are we going to have pizza today?
B: No, I am going to make a chicken salad. Fay doesn't like pizza.
3. A: You need a printer, Adam.
B: I know, but I am not going to buy one. James is going to give me his old printer.
4. A: Are Kelly and her parents going to travel to Amsterdam tonight?
B: Yes. They are going to stay the weekend there and they are going to return on Monday morning.
5. A: I am going to learn Spanish. Classes start next week.
B: That's great!
E. Circle the correct words.
1. The train is leaving in ten minutes, so hurry up!
2. John is having a barbecue at his house next Sunday.
3. Jane, where are you? You're going to be late for school.
4. Drawing lessons finish at 7 o'clock on Mondays.
5. My parents are going to the Maldives in the summer.
F. Match.
1-e; 2-d; 3-a; 4-b; 5-c.
1. Do you fancy going hiking on Sunday? - e. Sounds good. Is 8 o'clock OK?
2. Did you like the film? - d. It was out of this world!
3. When are we leaving? - a. In a while.
4. I'm going to buy this laptop. - b. Hold on! Look at this one. It's cheaper.
5. Can we go after 8 o'clock? - c. Why not? It's open till late.

iconГДЗ 6 клас Англійська мова Робочий зошит Зошит 2023 Мітчелл Малкоґіанні Лінгвіст
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