ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2023

icon28.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon3 509, icon0

Round up 5
Сторінка 56
A. Write.
1. three computer parts: monitor, screen, keyboard.
2. three animals: lion, monkey, dolphin.
3. three types of materials: leather, plastic, glass.
B. Circle the correct words.
1. Dodos are extinct. There are no dodos left in the world.
2. If you wait till next month, you might find good bargains in this shop.
3. Please, help me John. I can't connect my smartwatch to my smartphone.
4. You have to buy a ticket at the entrance of the museum.
5. Your suitcase is really heavy! How much does it weigh?
6. Don't worry! We can go to the event on Friday. It will last three days.
7. No, don't throw your can in this bin. Put it in the recycling bin.
8. Don't forget to turn off the lights before you leave.
9. There aren't any clouds in the sky. Definitely, it won't rain.
C. Choose a or b.
1-b; 2-b; 3-a; 4-a; 5-a; 6-b.
1. A: These boxes are very heavy.
B: Don't worry, I b. will help you take them outside.
2. The children b. will be doing their homework tomorrow afternoon.
3. I think it a. will rain later. Let's take an umbrella.
4. I'm sorry. I a. won’t to help you with your project tonight.
5. Mike a. is travelling to New York today. His plane leaves in three hours.
6. Gina b. is going to have a barbecue tomorrow. Let's go together.
D. Circle the correct words.
1. You don't have to drive me to the airport. I can take a taxi.
2. Yesterday someone called Tom while we were having dinner and he had to go back to work.
3. Excuse me, you can't shout in here. This is a hospital!
4. When Alice gets here, she must explain why she is late again.
5. Kelly mustn't drive without her glasses. She can't see well.
6. You have to drink a lot of water. It's good for you.
Сторінка 57
E. Use the prompts to make sentences, as in the example.
1. If we don't get up early, we will miss the train.
2. Call me if you need help with maths homework.
3. if Iris has a party on Wednesday, we won't go.
4. If Carla isn't careful, she will have an accident.
5. If you need more information, you wilt go to the library.
6. If you visit Spain, try paella.
F. Match.
1-c; 2-a; 3-e; 4-b; 5-f; 6-d.
1. I'm bored. How about playing tennis? - c. Sounds good. I'll go and get my trainers.
2. Do you fancy watching Beauty and the Beast tonight? - a. Actually, I saw it yesterday. It was out of this world.
3. Sorry. I broke your mobile. I’ll buy you a new phone. - e. Don't worry. It doesn't matter.
4. Why don't we go hiking next weekend? - b. Maybe some other time. It's my best friend's birthday on Saturday.
5. Would you like to come for dinner tomorrow? - f. How could I say no? I love your food.
6. I just love these earrings! - d. I'll buy them for you.
G. Read the text and answer the questions.
1. No, you don't.
2. Yuri Gagarin was the first person to go to outer space.
3. Dennis Tito have payed 20 million dollars to go to outer space.
4. People will pay in future 250 000 dollars to go to outer space.
5. No, there isn't.

iconГДЗ 6 клас Англійська мова Робочий зошит Зошит 2023 Мітчелл Малкоґіанні Лінгвіст
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