ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Test book Prepare [Торрес Люсі] 2023

icon28.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon2 546, icon0

Unit 18. Test A.
1. Complete the words in the sentences.
1, When you want to sell something on the internet, write an advertisement for it.
2. My little brother loves watching cartoon when he gets home from school.
3. I'm going to write an article for the next school magazine.
4. What do you think of this headline for the main story?
5. This newspaper is very good and it has lots of information about local events too.
6. The film we saw last night was great and had fantastic review.
7. Jack's going for a job interview tomorrow and he's a little nervous.
8. Did you see the photograph of us in the local newspaper?
2. Choose the right word to complete the sentences.
1. I really enjoyed that book, so I want to read another one by the same writer.
2. My sister is really good at drawing cartoons because she went to art school.
3. My dad is looking for a new job as he thinks the one he has now is boring.
4. When I ride my bike, I try to cycle very fast so I can get fitter.
5. I'm very excited about seeing my uncle again because he's very funny.
6. I want to be an engineer when I'm older.
7. I didn't enjoy playing football today as I was very tired.
8. I wanted to see the latest Star Wars film, so I went to the cinema.
3. Choose the right word(s) to complete the sentences.
1. Shall we go to the cinema tomorrow evening?
2. Why don't you buy her some jewellery for her birthday?
3. Let's go to town by bus on Saturday.
4. Shall we meet outside the supermarket at 7 o'clock?
5. Let's visit the museum next week.
6. Why not ask Maria if she wants to come?
7. Why don't we go to the football match next Saturday?
8. Let's go to the Burger Bar and meet Pablo after the film.
4. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.
1. A: Why doesn't she study harder?
B: I don't know. Why don't you ask her? - A.
2. A: I don't know what to do tonight.
B: Why don't you do your homework? - A.
3. A: Let's go to the cinema. What do you think? - A.
B: Yes, great idea. What shall we go and see?
4. A: Let's walk to school today. - C.
B: Yes, let's. It's healthier than getting the bus.
5. A: Shall we buy some drinks? - C.
B: Yes, let's. I'm very thirsty
6. A: Why don't we go to the beach tomorrow? - C.
B: Good idea. I think it's going to be sunny.
7. A: I really like these shoes.
B: Why not ask your mum to buy them for you? - B.
8. A: Shall we invite your brother to the party? - C.
B: Yes, but I don't think he can come. We can ask him but I think he’s playing tennis.
5. Listen to the phrases and choose the right intonation.
1. No, that's not a good idea. - >
2. Great! < -
3. Good one! - >
4. OK. - >
5. You're right! < -
6. No, I don't think so. - >
7. Sounds good! - >
8. Cool! < -

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