ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Зошит з граматики [Карпюк К.Т.] 2023

icon15.06.2024, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon169, icon0

Unit 7. Have you been to the capital?
Сторінка 62 - 63
1. Put the words into the correct order to form passive sentences.
1. "Guernica" was painted by Pablo Picasso.
2. Those frescoes were shown last week.
3. My books weren't printed here last time.
4. Her dress was designed by Coco Chanel.
5. The money wasn't stolen by George.
6. These photos were taken by Eddy last week.
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple Passive form.
1. Our president was elected in 2020.
2. This chair was not used in the kitchen.
3. Our local theatre was built in 1990.
4. This text was not read by many people.
5. My computer was not broken by Fiona.
6. This painting was created two years ago.
3. Change these sentences from the active into the passive, as in the example.
1. They made this cake with strawberries. This cake was made with strawberries.
2. Ned didn't delete the file. The file wasn't deleted.
3. They presented a new smartphone. A new smartphone was presented by them.
4. They didn't fix the sculpture a month ago. The sculpture wasn't fixed by them a month ago.
5. Lina Kostenko wrote this poem. This poem was written by Lina Kostenko.
6. Jennifer sent me this e - mail. This email was sent to Jennifer by me.
Сторінка 64
4. a) Look at the pictures. Then use the verbs in brackets and write, as in the example.
1. "Hamlet" was written by William Shakespeare.
2. The concert was performed by Je Lo.
3. Mona Lisa was created by Leonardo da Vinci.
4. Tickets were bought by Bella.
5. The box was hidden under the table.
6. Greg was bitten by a dog.
b) Write your own sentences in the Past Simple Passive.
1. The truck was driven by my father.
2. The book was read by me.
3. This poem was written by me.
4. The letter was written by my sister.
5. Museum was visited by many tourists.
6. The film was directed by Tom Cruise.
Сторінка 65 - 66
1. Circle the correct word.
1. I'm free because I've just finished everything.
2. Andrew hasn't seen the Eiffel Tower yet.
3. We have never been to such a wonderful place!
4. Clare has prepared everything for the trip alread'
5. I haven't relaxed enough lately.
6. You've recently shown me the present!
2. a) Match.
1 - d; 2 - e; 3 - b; 4 - a; 5 - c.
b) Complete the sentences with your own words. Use the Present Perfect.
1. I have done all my homework, so I can go to the party.
2. They have already bought tickets, so they can travel to Spain.
3. I have lost map, so it is hard to find our way.
4. He lost his phone, so he can't use his GPS.
5. She was walking under the rain, so she is ill now.
Сторінка 67
3. a) Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect.
1. John has watched this film already.
2. Pam has read three books this week.
3. We have sent already you many postcards.
4. You have not eaten anything, so now you're hungry.
5. My parrot has not sung all morning, so I'm worried.
6. I have just bought the plane tickets.
c) Write your own sentences in the Present Perfect.
1. I have already done my homework.
2. She has already visited this museum.
3. My parents have already left the room.
4. I have never been to Paris before.
5. She has already sent her email.
6. I have never been on a cruise liner.
4. Answer the questions.
1. Have you ever been abroad? - Yes, I have. I have been to Scotland.
2. Has your family travelled to England? - Yes, it has.
3. Have any tourists ever visited your town/city? - Yes, they have.
4. Has your teacher given you any summer tasks? - No, she hasn't.
5. Have you planned your summer holidays yet? - No, I haven't.
6. Has your best friend ever brought you souvenirs? - Yes, he has.
Сторінка 68
5. Write the questions to the answers.
1. Have Ned and Nina been to Australia? - No, they haven't. Ned and Nina have never been to Austria.
2. Have you already packed our suitcases? - Yes, we have. We have already packed our suitcases.
3. Has Anita checked the timetable? - No, she hasn't. Anita hasn't checked the timetable yet.
4. Has Ron spent all his money? - Yes, he has. Ron has spent all his money.
5. Have you tried this soup yet? - No, I haven't. I haven't tried this soup yet.
6. Has the dog run out of the house? - Yes, it has. The dog has run out of the house.
7. Have you slept well lately? - No, you haven't. You haven't slept well lately.
8. Has the train left the station? - Yes, it has. The train has just left the station.
Сторінка 69
1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple Passive form.
1. The king was buried in London.
2. The books were put in that bag.
3. My laptop was designed in 2020.
4. This present was not made by Sophie.
5. The city was not destroyed by the Romans.
6. The new ministers were not elected yesterday.
2. Put the words into the correct order to form passive sentences.
1. This statue was built in 1995.
2. The cakes weren't eaten by Tim.
3. Shakespeare was born in 1564.
4. The story wasn't written by David.
5. The museums were opened last week.
6. The law wasn't made by the parliament.
7. The souvenirs weren't stolen two days ago.
8. The roles were performed by these actors.
3. a) Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
1. The queen was crowded in 1663.
2. The news were reported by them last Monday.
3. This house wasn't built by them five years ago.
4. The GPS system was broken by them yesterday.
5. This mess wasn't made by Nick in the living room.
6. Any postcards were sent by Jane last weekend.
7. A fascinating tour was presented by Mr. Finch.
8. The hotel wasn't changed by Ann and Zoe.
Сторінка 70
b) Write your own sentences in the Past Simple Passive
1. The truck was loaded with boxes.
2. The song was recorded in a studio.
3. The hotel was destroyed by invasions.
4. The room wasn't cleaned by me.
5. The tour wasn't made by the guide.
6. The city wasn't explored by tourists.
4. aWrite the questions to the answers.
1. Was Buckingham Palace built in London? - Yes, it was. Buckingham Palace was built in London.
2. Was the statue designed by Edward Jones? - No, it wasn't. The statue wasn't designed by Edward Jones.
3. Were you invited to the party by Jessica? - Yes, we were. We were invited to the party by Jessica.
4. Was the president elected on the 7th July? - No, she wasn't. The president wasn't elected on 7th July.
5. Were the frescoes saved from fire a day ago? - Yes, they were. The frescoes were saved from fire a day ago.
6. Were the tours cancelled last Wednesday? - No, they weren't. The tours weren't cancelled last Wednesday.
Сторінка 71
b) Answer the questions.
1. Was Taras Shevchenko born in Ukraine? - Yes, he was. Taras
Shevchenko was born in Ukraine.
2. Were many parts of London destroyed in the Great Fire? - Yes, there were. Many parts were destroyed in a Great Fire.
3. Was the dinner made by your mum yesterday? - Yes, it was. Dinner was made by my inum yesterday.
4. Were any good films shown in cinemas in 2021? - Yes, there were.
Good films were shown in cinemas in 2021.
5. Was 'Sennet 8' written by William Shakespeare? - Yes, it was. 'Sonnet 8' was written by William Shakespeare.
6. Were any new restaurants opened in your town/city last month? - Yes, there were. New restaurants were opened in my city.
5. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
1. I've just remembered to order a hotel room!
2. We've already finished packing the suitcase.
3. You've never let me down. Thank you!
4. Wendy has recently come back from Tokyo.
5. The plane hasn't landed yet.
6. Bill's lately gone to the capital city.
6. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect.
1. I have drunk some water, so I'm not thirsty.
2. Leila has got many souvenirs for her family.
3. We have seen never such a beautiful sculpture
4. You have not posted any photos from your trip today.
5. Ben and Jay have not been to Japan yet.
6. My friends have not rested lately, so they're tired.
Сторінка 72
7. Correct the mistakes and rewrite the sentences.
1. You has been to the capital twice already. - You have been to the capital twice already.
2. Ed and Edna has travelled by plane only once. - Ed and Edna have travelled by plane only once.
3. I have ever visited Israel. - I have never visited Israel.
4. We have left the building yet. - We have not left the building yet.
5. Clare has look everywhere for the tickets. - Clare has looked everywhere for the tickets.
6. The bag has get wet recently. - The bag has got wet recently.
8. Put the words into the correct order to make questions. Then give your own answers to them.
1. Has your family ever travelled to New York? - No, it hasn't.
2. Have you ever tried sushi? - Yes, I have.
3. Has your best friend given you any souvenirs? - Yes, he has.
4. Have your classmates planned any trips for this summer? - Yes, they have.
5. Has your mother taken any photos on her last trip? - Yes, she has.

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