ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Робочий зошит [Косован О.Я., Вітушинська Н.І.] 2015

icon24.04.2018, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon2 926, icon0

Exercises 1-30
1. Group the following words. Complete the lists with other words School • Geography • Science • Maths • reading Sports • gymnastics • hockey • climbing • sailing Food • spinach • rice • butter • cucumber Hometown • cinema • museum • street • café
2. Tick (s) how you like doing these activities during your English lessons.
Поставить галочки в любом порядке
3. Match the words with their meanings.
1. c
2. a
3. g
4. e
5. b
6. d
7. h
8. f
4. Look at the plan and complete the sentences as in the example.
2. Computer room
3. Art classroom
4. Science lab
6. Art classroom
7. is between the Toilets room and Canteen room
5. Do the project. Complete the table with the information about your school.
Subjects you learn Mathematics, Computer Science,
Activities you do
6. Label the rooms. Read the text (PB, p. 13, ex. 1) and tick (s) those which are in a new part of Emma’s school.
2. My classroom
3. Gym
4. Computer room
5 .Music classroom
6 .Library
8. Science lab
7. Write in what classrooms you have lessons at school.
1. mathematics
2. biology
3. English
4. Ukrainian language
5. Russian language
8. Put the dialogue in the correct order. Write the ending.
4 — Is there a library in your school?
6 —What kind of activities can you do?
1 — Is your school large?
5 — Yes, of course. I usually go there after classes to find something interesting to read. And what about your school?
7 —We can join IT, chess or drama group. There are also a choir, an orchestra and a swimming club.
2 — My school is really big. And it is very nice and spacious. There are all modern facilities there.
3 — There are rooms for different activities in my school too.
Do you like going to the swimming club?
Yes I like.
9. Fill in the blanks with There is or There are.
2. There are
3. There are
4. There is
5. There is
6. There are
7. There is
8. There is
10. Circle the correct words.
2. needn’t
3. must
4. mustn’t
5. must
6. must
7. needn’t

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас Робочий зошит Зошит Косован Вітушинська 2015 Підручники і посібники
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