ГДЗ Англійська мова 9 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д.] 2017

icon16.12.2018, icon9 Клас / Англійська мова, icon71 424, icon18

1. Choose the correct passive form.
1. The city was founded in the 18th century.
2. It was known as an administrative regional centre 20 years ago.
3. Well-known resorts are located in the south of the country now.
4. London is said as one of the most expensive cities in Europe.
5. Historically the town was first mentioned in 1256.
6. For centuries it was ruined repeatedly by foreign aggressors.
7. The city’s treasures were restored by architects and men of arts last century.
8. People say that New York was first seen by an Italian navigator.
9. Nowadays according to an Ukrainian tradition the honoured guests are welcomed with bread and salt.
10. Yesterday I visited the museum which I had been recommended to see before.
2a Circle the correct answer.
The film was made in Australia, but the story took place in Africa. The story was written by one of the best American scriptwriters. The film was shown to the journalists yesterday afternoon. Those who saw it liked it very much and wrote very good reviews.
b) Ann got a new bike for Christmas. This morning she took it to school and left it in the schoolyard. When she came out of school, the bike was gone. Was it stolen? Ann was shocked. The school principal was informed about it and he called the police. All the students were questioned. The next morning Ann found the bike parked in front of her house. There was also a note saying «Sorry, it was borrowed only for a day».
3. Tom and Bob are comparing their answers from a general knowledge quiz. Use the words in brackets to make simple past passive negative and interrogative sentences. Look at the example:
2. President Kennedy was not killed in New York. — Where was he killed then? — In alias.
3. The Battle of Hastings wasn't fought in 1266. — When was it fought? — In 1066.
4. Albert Einstein wasn’t born in the US. — Where was he born? — In Germany.
5. Penicillin wasn't discovered by Charles Darwin. — Who was it discovered by? — Alexander Fleming.
6. The first step on the Moon wasn't made by Yury Gagarin. — Who was it made by? — Neil Armstrong.
4. Fill in the sentences with the present passive or the past passive forms.
1. The flag of the United Kingdom is called the Union Jack.
2. Thanksgiving is celebrated in November.
3. The Civil War was fought between 1860 and 1865.
4. Bagpipes are made of sheepskin. They are played in Scotland.
5. Abraham Lincoln was shot in the theatre.
6. The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th 1774.
7. The Washington monument was dedicated to the first president of the USA.
8. The World Trade Center was destroyed in a terrorist attack on September 11th, 2001.
9. The Statue of Liberty was given to the Americans by the French.
10. The Metropolitan Museum is visited by millions of art lovers every year.
11. Australia is called Down Under.
12. Hockey was invented in Canada.
13. Computers and silicon chips are produced in Silicon Valley.
14. The Republic of Ireland was born in 1921.
15. Wool from Australia is exported to many countries all over the world.
16. The Olympic Games 2000 were held in Sydney.

iconГДЗ 9 клас Англійська мова Підручник Либра Терра 2017 Карпюк
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1 a) Відгадайте назви цих українських міст.
1. Символом міста є знамениті Потьомкінські сходи на Приморському бульварі.
Відомі сходи в Одесі.
2. Це курорт, який відомий своєю лікувальною водою «Нафтуся».
Найвідоміша мінеральна вода Трускавця.
3. Місто розташоване на правому березі Десни, приблизно в 150 км від Києва і є одним з найстаріших міст України.
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В місті Коломия.
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Замок у закарпатському місті Мукачево.
6. Хортиця - історико-культурний заповідник, що знаходиться в цьому місті.
Острів Хортиця в місті Запоріжжі.
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