ГДЗ Англійська мова 1 клас. Підручник [Доценко І.В., Євчук О.В., Губарєва С.С.] 2018
1 Клас / Англійська мова,
8 516,
Lesson 11. Who Is This? • Хто це?
1. Listen and repeat. Прослухай і повтори.— Who is this, Jill?
— This is my grandfather.
— And who is this?
— This is my brother.
— And who is this?
— This is my mother.
2. Look, listen and point. Подивись, прослухай і вкажи.
1) This is her grandmother.
2) This is her brother.
3) This is her mother.
4) This is his grandmother.
5) This is his brother.
6) This is his father.
3. Listen and sing. Прослухай і проспівай.
— Who is this? Tell me, please!
— This is my mother. Her name is Liz.
— Who is this? Tell me, please!
— This is my father. His name is Chris.
— Who is this? Tell me, please!
— This is my sister. Her name is Ann.
— Who is this? Tell me, please!
— This is my friend. His name is Ken.
4. Let's play. Пограймо Гра «Хто це?».
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