ГДЗ Англійська мова 1 клас. Підручник [Доценко І.В., Євчук О.В., Губарєва С.С.] 2018
Lesson 8. Is He Tired? • Він утомлений?
1. Listen and repeat. Прослухай і повтори.How are you, Bill?
I'm fine, thank you.
And Mary, how is she?
Is she sad?
No, she's tired.
2. Listen and point. Прослухай і вкажи.
— Is he sad?
— No, he isn't. He is angry.
— Is she happy?
— Yes, she is.
— Is he tired?
— No, he isn't. He is sad.
— Is she angry?
— Yes, she is.
3. Find and say. Знайди і скажи.
— One. How is he?
— So-so.
— Is he sad?
— No, he's angry.
4. Let's play. Пограймо. Гра «Емоції»
— How is she?
— She is fine.
— Is she happy?
— Yes, she is.
Діти в групах роблять пальчикові ляльки й розігрують діалоги за зразком.