ГДЗ Англійська мова 3 клас. Зошит [Карпюк О.Д.] 2020

icon07.04.2021, icon3 Клас / Англійська мова, icon6 777, icon0

Сторінка 24
1. 3aповни пропуски
- How are you?
- I am fine.
- How are, your cousins?
- They are fine.
- How is your father?
- He is fine.
2. Посортуй слова у чотири колонки
- Run
- Mother
- Husband
- Uncle
- Park
- Father
- Are aunt
- Sport
- Daughter
- Short
- Four
- Dad
- Family
- Grandparents
- Grandad
Сторінка 25
1. Послухай завдання 1 з підручника та заповни текст
Father and mother are parents. Grandfather and grandmother are grandparents. Kate's grandparents have got two daughters: Kate's mother and her sister Polly. Polly is Kate's aunt. She is Bill and Tom's aunt, too. Mike is Polly's husband.
He is Kate's uncle. Mike is Bill and Tom's uncle, too. Uncle Mike and Aunt Polly have got two sons: Tim and Eddie. They are Kate's cousins. They are Bill and Tom's cousin, too.
2. Подивись на напиши відповіді.
This is Kate.
Не is Kate's grandfather.
She is Kate's grandmother.
He is Kate's uncle.
She is Kate's aunt.
Who are they to Kate?
They are Kate's cousins.
They are Kate's grandparents.
They are Kate's parents.
They are Kate's brothers.
Сторінка 26
1. Прочитай відповіді та доповни питання.
What is it? - It is a camp.
Where is it? - It is in Germany.
Who is he? - He is Mr. Blake.
Where is he? - He is at the camp.
What is it? - It is a dog.
Where is it? - It is in a village.
Who is this? - This is my friend.
Where is he? - He is in Kyiv.
2. Розв'яжи кросворд «Родинне дерево»
1. Your mother's brother is your uncle.
2. Father and mother are parents.
3. Your father's sister is your aunt.
4. Your uncle's son is your cousin.
3.Подивись та обери питання. Тоді напиши відповідь.
1. Where is he? Не is at home.
2. Where are they? They are at school.
3. Where are they? They are at the camp.
4. Where is she? She is in the village.
Сторінка 28
1. Впиши пропущені літери.
House, living room; kitchen bathroom; bedroom; screen.
2. Подивись та напиши за зразком.
1. Where is the boy? -> Не is in the bedroom.
2. Where is girl? -> She is in the living room.
3. Where is girl? -> She is in the bathroom.
4. Where is boy? -> He is in the Kitchen.
1. Подивись на план квартири та дай відповіді.
1. Where is the bedroom? -> It is on the left.
2. Where is the kitchen? -> It is on the right.
3. Where is the living room? It is on the left.
4. Where is the bathroom? -> It is on the left.
2. Намалюй план своєї квартири/дому. Напиши про своє помешкання.
This is my flat. It has got 4 rooms.
Kitchen and living room are on the left.
Bedroom and bathroom are on the right.
1. Прочитай та намалюй.
- The cat is on the chair.
- The cat is under the chair.
- The cat is in the box.
2. Обери та напиши
The toys are on the chairs.
The doll is under the bed.
The teacher is in the classroom.
The plane is under the chair.
1. Здогадайся та напиши
Kate's grandparents live in a village house. It has got four rooms, a kitchen, a Jiving room, a bedroom and a bathroom. They eat in the kitchen; they wash their faces and brush their teeth in the bathroom. They sleep in the bedroom. They watch TV in the living room.
2. Слухай, показуй та відтворюй письмово.
20 twenty - twenty
1. Прочитай та намалюй
A yellow armchair; a green carpet; a red sofa; a white bath; a grey floor; a blue chair.
2. Розв'яжи кросворд «Будинок»
- Door
- House
- Sofa
- Carpet
- Kitchen
- Armchair
- Room
3. Подивись та напиши за зразком
What is this? It is a living room.
Where is the bookshelf? It is above the armchair. Where is the sofa? It is near the window.
Where is the table? It is in front of the table.
Where is the carpet? It is under the tabled
Where is the dog? It is next to the armchair.
Where is the armchair? It is under the bookshelf.
Where is the TV? It is in front of the table.
1. Напиши
This is Linda's room. It is nice. The bed is near the window on the Left. Linda sleeps in it. She is good at drawing. Linda's pictures are on the wall above her bed. The lamp is near the bed.
The carpet is on the floor next to the bed. The table is in front of the window. The chair is next to the table. The computer is on the table. Linda can sit on the chair and read a book or do homework there. She likes her room. It is light and clean.
2. Намалюй свою кімнату та напиши про неї і про те, що ти там можеш робити.
This is my dream room. It is light and clean. The table is near the window. The laptop is on the table. The bed is on the left, the armchair ison the right.
3. Прослухай та намалюй.
4. Слухай та показуй. Тоді відтвори письмово.
25 twenty-five; 31 thirty-one; 43 forty-three; 59 fifty-nine; 67 sixty-seven; 74 seventy-four; 82 eighty-two; 96 ninety-six.
Сторінка 36
1. Напиши за зразком sing - singer; drive - driver; sell - seller; dance - dancer; farm - farmer; teach - teacher.
2. Обери варіант та доповни питання. Тоді дай відповіді.
What is his job? -> He is a doctor.
What is his job? -> He is a waiter.
What is her job? -> She is a secretary.
What is her job? -> She is a seller.
What is her job? -> She is a teacher.
Сторінка 37
1. Впиши пропущені літери
Hospital; farm; school office; café; shop
2. Доповни речення
І. A seller works in a shop.
2. A farmer works on a farm.
3. A teacher works in a school.
4. A waiter works in a café.
5. A secretary works in an office.
6. A doctor works in a hospital.
4. Подивись та напиши за зразком.
1. Tom is five. Max is ten,
2. Mary is twelve Nick is four. Ed is eleven.
3. Ron is thirty-five. Grace is thirty-two.
4. Will is forty-six. Ann is forty-one.
5. Don is seventy-two. Emily is sixty-seven.
Сторінка 39
1. Добери, щоб утворили речення, тоді напиши
1. This is the Bear Family.
2. This is their house in the wood.
3. Three bowls of porridge are on the table.
4. This girl is hungry.
5. Her name is Goldilocks.
6. She is very pretty.
2. Подивись та обери варіант «а», «b», «с»
а) Тарілка (too hot)
b) Ліжко (too soft)
c) Дівчинка (just right)
1. Послухай та відміть правильні твердження.
V - 1. Monica is nine.
V - 2. Monica's father is 45.
X - 3. Her mother's name is Rosie.
X - 4. Her mother works in her office.
V - 5. Monica's brother Max is 21.
X - 6. Max is a businessperson.
X - 7. Monica's brother Jeff is 30.
V - 8. Monica's sister is four.
V - 9. Monica has got grandparents.
X - 10. Her grandparents live in a flat.
2. Знайди та обведи слова. Напиши
1. Waiter, 2. Dancer, 3. Seller, 4. Secretary, 5. Driver, 6. Farmer, 7. Businesswoman, 8. Teacher
Сторінка 41
3. Намалюй когось зі своєї сім'ї. Напиши про нього / неї
This is tiny brother. Не is happy. Не likes playing football and playing games.
4. Подивись та доповни речення
This is a village house.
It has got 2 rooms: a bedroom and a living room.
We can sleep in the bedroom.
We can watch TV in the living room.

iconГДЗ Зошит Карпюк 2020 Либра Терра Англійська мова 3 клас
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