ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Зошит для контролю [Павліченко О.М.] 2018

icon06.10.2018, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon4 443, icon0

Test 10.
Variant 1
1-е, 2-b, 3-a
1) On this holiday people make Easter baskets and go to church.
2) Everybody knows that Kyiv is an ancient city.
3) Many talented people live in Ukraine.
1) Jack has been to Spain already. He was there last summer.
2) I have done the shopping already. I came home an hour ago.
3) We have not found this book yet.
4) My cousin has never visited this museum.
Variant 2
1) The New Year is a public holiday in our country.
2) People paint Easter eggs for this holiday.
3) Ukraine is an independent country.
1) We have seen this film already. We saw it last Friday.
2) She has been to Great Britain already. She went there two years ago.
3) My granny has never eaten Indian food.
4) Den didn't meet his friend yesterday.

iconГДЗ 5 клас Англійська мова Зошит Зошит для контролю знань Ранок Павліченко 2018
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