ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Зошит для контролю [Мясоєдова С.В., Гусева В.О., Гуменюк І.Б.] 2018
5 Клас / Англійська мова,
3 315,
Сторінка 34
Variant 2
1.Сторінка 34
Variant 2
1) Where do you live? (/ live in Kyiv)
2) Where is it situated? (// is situated in the Kyiv region)
3) How large is it? (It is large.)
4) When was it founded? (Iі was founded one thousand Jive hundred years ago)
5) What places of interest arc there? (There is Kiev Pechersk Lavra.)
6) What can tourist do there1) (Tourists can have a very interesting excursion here)
7) What means of transport arc there? (In Kyiv you can travel by can train, plane, bus. car. ship)
I've got some postcards with the major places of interest of London. The first one is with Buckingham Palace on it. It is the Queen's main London home. The second one is with the London Eye on it. It is the world's highest observation wheel.
And the third one show s Big Ben - one of the most famous landmarks in the world.
Oh. what a bad weather! Why it's always like that... when you arc going for a walk...
Yesterday was such a lovely day! It was sunny and warm.
Let's listen for tomorrow! Great! It’s going to be sunny again! Let's have a walk tomorrow'.
My understanding of an ideal school is w hen the number of pupils in the class is not more than 25. It would be great if pupils could choose the subjects they arc more interested in. It also w ould be nice if all the necessary equipment was provided by school and not bought for parent's money. In ideal school there is no homework at all and teachers arc very kind. The main rule of the ideal school - no uniform!
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