ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Підручник [Пахомова Т.Г.] 2018

icon04.02.2021, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon5 635, icon0

Language 3:
Відповідь до p. 18 ex. 1:
1. Lisa and Terry are in the classroom. +
2. Emma is from Greenwich. -
3. Sam and Terry are old friend. +
4. Mr's Carter is the teacher. +
5. Lisa, Emma and Terry are at Thomas Tallis. +
Відповідь до p. 18 ex. 2:
1. That's Mrs Carter. She's my teacher.
2. Here's Terry. He's from my old school.
3. It's the right classroom. I'm sure.
4. You're lucky. Terry and you are friend.
5. Emma and Lisa, they're in my class.
6. Here Sam and Terry. They're my friends.
7. Hello, Mrs Carter. Sorry, I'm late.
Відповідь до p. 18 ex. 3:
1. You're my new friends. - You are my new friends.
2. She's eleven. - She is eleven.
3. They're new here. - They are new here.
4. You're at Thomas Tallis. - You are at Thomas Tallis.
5. He's from Greenwich. - He is from Greenwich.
6. I'm in your class. - I am in your class.
7. We're friends. - We are friends.
8. It's a big school. - It is a big school.
Відповідь до p. 19 ex. 4:
1. The pupils aren't here. They are late.
2. I'm not from Greenwich. I'm from Bristol.
3. It isn't a football. It is a shoe.
4. Emma and I aren't twelve. We are eleven.
5. I'm not a pupil. I am a mouse.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас Пахомова Методика паблішинг 2018 Підручник
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