ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Карп'юк О.Д.] 2018

icon24.09.2018, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon5 650, icon1

Lesson 2. Hobbies and interests
Ex. 1 p. 26
I am fond of painting.
He is fond of reading.
She is interested in photography.
We are fond of traveling.
You are interested in gardening.
They are collecting things.
Ex. 2 p. 26
singing songs
listening to music
eating food
reading books
making photographs
watching TV
going by car
collecting things
telling stories
dancing modern dance
Ex, 3 p, 27
1. to go by car (bus, tram, trolleybus)
2. to take a photo
3. to watch TV (films)
4. to play games
5. to collect stamps (postcards)
6. to listen to the radio (music)
Ex. 4 p. 27
1. Yes, I am.
2. Yes, I do.
3. Yes, I am.
4. I have got many fairy tales.
5. I like to read about nature.
Ex, 5p. 28
1. What books does she like? — She likes fairsy tales.
2. What does she like doing? — She likes going to parties and meeting friends.
3. Does she like doing shopping? — No, she doesn't.
4. Does she like snort? — She is fond of playing tennis and of volleyball.
5. Does she like helping her mother about the house? — Yes, she does but she doesn't like cooking.
Ex. 6 p 28
Peter likes swimming, but he doesn’t like dancing.
Dan is fond of listening to music but he isn’t fond of reading.
Mum likes painting but she doesn’t like photography.
Mum and Dad like swimming but they don’t like gardening.
Your hobby is computer games, but your hobby isn’t collecting stamps.
Ex. 7p. 29
My hobby is swimming.
My friend likes playing football.
My brother plays the guitar.
He likes music and painting.
But he doesn't like dancing.
My sister has no hobbies but she often watches TV.
She doesn't like writing so she usually does her homework on a computer.
She uses it to e-mail her friends.
Ex. 8p. 29
A: What do you do on holiday?
B: Well I like swimming.
A: And does your friend like swimming?
B: No, he doesn't. He can’t swim! He doesn’t like the sea. A: What does he do?
B: He reads and takes photos.
A: What other things do you like?
B: We like music and dancing.
A: Do you play musical instruments?
B: No, I don’t. But my friend plavs the guitar.
Ex. 9 p. 30
My name is Karina, I am ten. I am from Kharkiv. My family is big. I like sports. My hobby is. reading and music. I like watching film. My favourite film star is Johny Depp.
Bye, Karina.
Ex. 10 p. 30
1. What do the words ‘to have a hobby’ mean? — It means smb. like to do smith very much.
2. Do you like computer games? — No. I don’t.
3. Are you fond of making things? — Yes, I am.
4. What collection do you have? — I collect stamps.
5. What can you say about your hobbies? —Mv hobby is marking things. It is very interesting.
Ex. 11 p. 31
Learning ThingsMaking Things
playing musical instrumentsmaking toys
studying foreign languagesewing
dancingmaking photos
Daily ThingsCollecting Things
helping about the housecoins and banknotes
playing guitargramophone records
playing computer gamesbooks
playing football (volleyball etc.)sweet wrappers

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