ГДЗ Англійська мови 5 клас. Зошит з граматики [Павлюк А.В., Карпюк О.Д.] 2018

icon04.10.2018, icon5 Клас / Англійська мова, icon24 230, icon0

Ex. 1 p. 48
1. a
2. b
3. a
4. a
7. a.
Ex. 2 p.48
1. The baby doesn't cry a lot. It isn’t crying now.
2. Kate doesn’t usually plav the piano in the evening. It’s
8 pm now, so she is playing the piano.
3. I don’t send e-mails in the morning. It’s
9 am now, so I am sending e-mails.
4. It’s raining so students don’t have a sport day. They are having sports day when it rains.
5. We don’t usually study on Sundays. It’s Sunday today so we are studying.
Ex. 3 p. 49
1. She watches TV in the evening.
2. They are playing football now.
3. Does she like bananas?
4. Bill starts work at 9:00 a.m.
5. He is wearing a red hat today.
6. She is studying French at the moment.
7. Do they go to school?
8. What are you doing now?
9. Do they write e-mails every day?
Ex. 4 p. 50
1. Is Anna ill? She wasn’t in class yesterday.
2. Why were you late home last night?
3. We were in Ireland on holiday last year.
4. Frankie was the best student at English last term.
5. Was your dad at the match on Sunday?
6. My eyes were tired after the work on a computer yesterday.
7. There were any students in the school before 8:30 am yesterday morning.
Ex. 5 p. 50
At 8:00 Lilly usually walks children to school. Yesterday, Lilly walked children to school.
At 8:45 she usually washes dished. On Friday Lilly also washed dishes.
At 9:30 Lilly usually tidies house and cooks lunch. On Friday she didn't tidy house and cook lunch.
At 11:30 she usually goes shopping.
On Friday at 10:30 Lilly went to sport club.
At 1:30 Lilly usually picks up children from school. On Friday she picked up children from school.
At 2:00 she usually cooks dinner. On Friday Lilly cooked dinner. At 3:00 Lilly usually helps children with homework. On Friday she helped children with homework.
At 6:00 she usually have dinner. On Friday Lilly had dinner.
At 6:45 Lilly usually watches TV.
On Friday at 8:30 she went to the cinema.
At 10:00 she usually goes to bed.
On Friday Lilly went to bed at 11:00.
Ex. 6 p. 53

1. Every day Mary cleans her home.
2. At the moment Mary is sweeping the floor.
3. Yesterday Mary washed the dishes.
4. Peter and Ann usually help their mother.
5. Right now they are walking the dog.
6. They washed the windows yesterday.
7. Look! Nina is ironing the laundry.
8. My parents always go shopping at weekends.
9. We decorated the house a week ago.
10. At the moment she is working in the garden.
11. Last Christmas they cooked a tasty cake.
12. She works in the garden every spring.
Ex. 7 p. 54

1. She is going to have a birthday party.
2. He is going to pass his exam.
3. I am going to make sausages for lunch.
4. They are going to go to England.
5. My sister is going to do her English homework.
6. It is going to fall down.
7. I am going to see my friends tomorrow.
8. We are going to visit our grandparents this afternoon.
Ex. 8 p. 54
1. Emma is going to take her English exam next week.
2. It is very hot today. I am going to swim in the lake.
3. We are going to visit our grand parents this weekend. We haven’t seen them for a long time.
4. John and his brother are going to ride their bikes.
5. I am going to set the table. It’s time for lunch.
6. David is going to do his homework after school.
7. It’s Paul’s birthday next week. We are going to buy him a
8. His sister is going to play the violin at the concert.
Ex. 9 p. 55
Sunday: visit my grandparents.
Monday: do my homework.
Tuesday: read a story.
Wednesday: ride my bike.
Thursday: listen to the mueiG. Saturday: play with my friends.
Ex. 10 p. 56

1. Her brother lives in a small town.
2. His office is SB the third floor.
3. Tom is sitting in an armchair.
4. The picture is an the wall.
5. We meet al the station at 7.
6. She was ill and stayed in bed.
7. Are there any good films in the cinema this week?
8. We went to see a play in the Nation Theatre.
9. We were at sea for ten weeks.
10.1 didn't see her in the party.
11. The children are playing in the street.

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