ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Test book Prepare [Торрес Люсі] 2023

icon28.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon2 553, icon0

Unit 3. Test B.
1. Choose the right word to complete the sentences.
1. It can be hard when a band goes on tour visiting different cities every two or three days.
2. He really wants to become famous and be on TV and in lots of magazines.
3. My sister wants to become a singer because she loves singing to all different types of music.
4. The band I play in has got eight new songs and we want to record an album.
5. My father is a famous classical musician and gives concerts in our school every summer.
6. My best friend plays the drums really well and sometimes plavs in a band with his friends on Fridays at the music club.
7. You can make a music video for your school arts project.
8. My mother plays lots of instruments and she teaches music at our school.
2. Write the missing words in the sentences.
1. They are really famous. Everybody wants to see them when they play in town.
2. My brother plays the drums quite well and wants to join a band now.
3. I don't like opera much, there is too much singing. I prefer watching a play.
4. There's a fantastic concert on Saturday night. Two of my favourite bands are playing.
5. I can only play one instrument and that's the keyboard.
6. I was listening to my favourite album last night. I really love all the songs on it.
7. James can play the saxophone really well. He usually plays jazz tunes but sometimes he plays classical music.
8. Our school orchestra gives a concert every Christmas. I play the violin.
3. Make sentences. Use the words given.
1. They really love having a big family lunch on Sundays.
2. Do you like watching television in the evenings?
3. My family doesn't like listening to jazz.
4. She quite likes listening to rock music.
5. Does he hate playing to the violin?
6. Amy loves going to the theatre and watching plays.
7. We don't like getting up early at the weekend.
8. He really hates going cycling when it's raining.
4. Complete the sentences with the verbs from the list in the correct form. There are some words you do not need to use.
1. I love visiting my best friend. She lives by the sea, so we can go swimming.
2. I really love choosing a new book to read on holiday.
3. I really love watching my sister play table tennis. She's really very good.
4. My father quite likes driving to town in his new car.
5. My brother likes playing the guitar, but he isn't very good at it.
6. My friends hate listening to rock music, but I love it.
7. My mum hates cooking when she gets home from work in the evening, so my dad always makes supper.
8. I guite like going running in the park after school.
5. Listen and complete the information.
1. The girl's name is Gemma.
2. The MAD School's phone number is 020 876 88 44.
3. The boy's English teacher is Mr Bennett.
4. The girl's email address is poppy@coolmail.com.
5. Oliver's phone number is 077 361 002.
6. In the girl's country, on 31st October they celebrate Halloween.
7. The school's new email address is info@madschool.com.
8. The school is on Trafford Road.

iconГДЗ 6 клас 2023 Торрес Англійська мова Тест-контроль Зошит Лінгвіст
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