ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Test book Prepare [Торрес Люсі] 2023

icon28.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon2 509, icon0

Unit 4. Test B.
1. Complete the words in the conversations.
1. A: The new Marvel film was terrible.
B: Why? What was wrong with it?
2. A: How was your birthday surprise?
B: It was awesome. Dad took me skydiving!
3. A: Hello, Jane. How are you today?
B: I'm fine thanks, Mrs Jones.
4. A: I can't believe it's raining again today.
B: I know. The weather is horrible now.
5. A: Look at my new phone! Isn't it wonderful?
B: It looks great. Lucky you!
6. A: So, how was the holiday?
B: It was amazing. We saw kangaroos, crocodiles and a koala!
7. A: So, how was the race?
B: It was fantastic. Tom won!
8. A: What did you think of the book?
B: It was brilliant! I loved it.
2. Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1. I'm a bit worried about the maths exam tomorrow. (B).
2. We're so glad you could come tonight. It's going to be such fun. (A).
3. Grace was so surprised when we arrived. She had no idea we were there! (B).
4. Why is she crying? What made her feel upset? (A).
5. The food was terrible which made him angry. (D).
6. I feel a little nervous. This is my first time on a plane! (B).
7. I'm so sorry we're late. There was a lot of traffic. (D).
3. Choose the right word to complete the conversations.
1. A: Where were you at 8 p.m. on Saturday?
B: I was at home watching a film.
2. A: Were you bored when you were at the concert?
B: No, I wasn't.
3. A: Where was your earring?
B: It was in my bedroom.
4. A: Were you surprised to get your guitar back?
B: Yes, I was. I was very happy to see it again.
5. A: Where was Todd's ring?
B: It wasn't in his room. It was inside a fish.
6. A: Were they hungry after the basketball game?
B: No, they weren't.
7. A: Were you at school yesterday?
B: No, it was Sunday!
4. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of to be in the past. Write two words in each space.
1. A: Were they interested in seeing that film?
B: Yes, they were.
2. A: Were you tired last night after playing football?
B: Yes, I was.
3. A: Was the show good?
B: No, it was terrible!
4. A: Was she hungry at lunchtime?
B: No, she wasn't, but she was very thirsty.
5. A: Were you at the park this morning?
B: No we weren't. We were at home.
6. A: Were Marek and Pavlo surprised by the film?
B: Yes, they were.
7. A: Was your homework difficult?
B: No, it was easy.
8. A: Were you cold last night?
B: Yes, we were.
5. Listen to the sentences and complete the gaps. Listen again. Is the word in the gap strong or weak? Write S for strong and W for weak.
1. A: How was the big night out? - W.
2. B: It was awesome! - W.
3. A: Were your parents surprised? - W.
4. B: A little. They knew we were planning something, but they didn't know what! - W.
5. A: Was the play good? - W.
6. B: No, it wasn't. - S.
7. A: It was terrible, but we just watched the first half and then we left. - W.
8. B: I have to admit we weren't expecting that! - S.

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