ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2023
6 Клас / Англійська мова,
3 509,
Round-up 2
Сторінка 26A. Choose a or b.
1-a; 2-a; 3-b; 4-a; 5-b; 6-b.
1. I love travelling a. abroad. I want to visit Indonesia on my next trip.
2. The mobile phone is a very important a. invention.
3. Are you taking a b. suitcase on holiday or just your small bag?
4. We had lunch at an a. expensive restaurant yesterday.
5. Let's go to the beach. I want to b. sunbathe.
6. Rita is b. wonderful. I love spending time with her.
B. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in the box.
1.Did you buy any souvenirs from London?
2. We didn't leave early in the morning so we were late.
3.I found a dog outside the Internet cafe yesterday and I decided to take it home.
4. A: Did Sylvia cook last night?
B: Yeah. Her food was delicious.
5. Noel didn't take pictures because he couldn't find his camera.
6. Last summer my cousins and I went to Thailand on holiday and we explored some amazing caves.
C. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1. I didn't do well in the maths test. I need to study more.
2. She closed the door carefully and left the room.
3. I don't think Olivia can become a singer. She sings terriby.
4. Miranda is a very good student and a nice person. All her teachers like her.
5. I saw this terrible film last night. I didn't like it.
6. Please be careful around here. It isn’t very safe.
D. Complete using personal pronouns.
1. Are Nancy and Jason there? Tell them I'm coming.
2. When Lisa calls, can you give her my mobile phone number?
3. These are my friends, Martha and Irene. They are here for the weekend.
4. Please make us some tea. We are cold.
5. Jake Smith is a history teacher. He likes history very much.
6. Don't tell me what is in the bag. I like surprises.
Сторінка 27
E. Complete the sentences with can, could, can't or couldn't.
1. A: How many languages can you speak?
B: Only English.
2.I couldn't swim three years ago, but now I can.
3. A: This is my new CD.
B: But you couldn't sing two years ago.
A: I can't sing. I only play the guitar. My friend Emma is the singer.
4. Could you ride a bike when you were five years old?
5. When she was two, my sister couldn't talk, but I could.
6. A: Can you cook Chinese food?
B: No, I can't. But I can cook Mexican food.
F. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of used to.
1. Stan first started playing tennis a week ago. He used to play football in the past.
2. Ellie now spends her weekends at home. She didn't use to spend her weekends at home. She used to hang out at the shopping center.
3. Mr Crane drinks lots of coffee now. He didn't use to drink coffee when he was young. He didn't like it.
4. Fay drives a new car now. She used to drive a very old car two years ago.
5. My dad works at night now. He used to work in the morning.
G. Match.
1-b; 2-a; 3-d; 4-e; 5-c.
1. Did you enjoy your trip? - b. To be honest, we didn't.
2. What? You want to buy a horse? - a. No. Katie. I'm only joking!
3. Here you go. It's a souvenir from Florence. - d. It's fantastic, thanks!
4. Did she use to travel when she was young? - e. Yes, but now she doesn't.
5. How long is the journey to Paris? - c. It takes six hours to get there.
H. Read the text and answer the questions.
1. Who did Mark go on the cruise with?
Mark went on a cruise with aunt, uncle and cousin.
2. What did Mark eat a lot of on his holiday? He ate a lot of fish.
3. What didn't Mark like? He didn't like a bathroom in his room.
4. What was the weather like? The weather was hot and sunny.
5. What did Mark see when he went scuba diving? He saw some dolphins.
Два роки тому я відправився в семиденний круїз навколо Карибського моря. Я подорожував з тіткою, дядьком і двоюрідним братом. Томмі. Нам це сподобалось! Це був наш перший круїз, і це було чудово. Корабель був такий великий! Тут були сувенірні лавки, два басейни та спортивний центр. Також було п'ять ресторанів. Всі вони смачно поїли. Того тижня я їв багато риби! Єдине, що мені не сподобалось, це ванна в нашому номері. Розумієте, він був не дуже великий. Корабель зупинився на двох різних островах. Обидва острови були красиві та мали дивовижні пляжі. Майже щодня було жарко й сонячно, тож ми спробували багато водних видів спорту. На одному острові ми з Томмі пірнали з аквалангом. Там ми побачили різнокольорових риб і морських черепах. В останній день ми навіть побачили дельфінів. Ми не могли в це повірити! Ця відпустка була ідеальним способом відпочити, а також було дуже весело. Автор: Марк Браун.
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