ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2023
Unit 3a
Сторінка 28A. Look at the pictures and write what happened to these people yesterday.
1. She broke her arm.
3. She sprained her ankle.
2. He cut his finger.
4. He hurt his back.
5. She hit her knee.
B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1. The boy was standing in the middle of the room.
2. Bill slipped and fell down the stairs.
3. Alex jumped off a chair and broke his leg.
4. They called for an ambulance and it took Tony to hospital.
5. Oh no! Your nose is bleeding. What happened?
6. Stella's father had a car accident yesterday. He crashed into a wall.
7. Can you explain this to me? I don’t understand.
C. Look at the picture and write sentences about what the people and animals were doing yesterday afternoon. Use the prompts in the box, as in the example.
1. Ray was watching TV.
2. Sally and Christine were playing chess.
3. Steve was listening to music.
4. Gary was listening to music.
5. Ian was reading a magazine.
6. Tina was rollerblading.
7. Scraps and Ace were sleeping.
Сторінка 29
D. Use the prompts to make questions. Then look at the pictures and answer them, as in the example.
1. Was Jane riding a horse on Saturday morning?
No, she wasn't. She was riding her bike.
2. Were Irece and Danny cooking yesterday evening?
Yes, they were.
3. Were Alex and Monica chatting on the Net yesterday morning?
No, they weren't. They were talking on the phone.
4. Was Tom wearing a jumper three hours ago?
No, he wasn't. He was wearing a T-shirt.
5. Was Maria doing her homework last night?
Yes, she was.
E. Complete with the sentences a-e.
1-c; 2-e; 3-a; 4-b; 5-d.
Julie. Hey. Mike! Where is your sister?
Mike. (1) c. She can't come with us.
Julie. Why? Has she got a lot of homework to do?
Mike. (2) e. No. She had an accident.
Julie. What happened? (3) a. Did she fall off her bike again?
Mike. No. she didn't. We were walking back from school yesterday afternoon when suddenly....
Julie. Oh, no. (4) b. Did a car hit her?
Mike. No! We were on the pavement. She just slipped on a banana skin and fell down.
Julie. Ouch! (5) d. Is she OK now?
Mike. Not exactly. She sprained her wrist and broke her leg.