ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Підручник [Мітчелл Г. К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2023

icon20.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon2 766, icon0

Round-up 6
Сторінка 108
A. Match.
1-b; 2-e; 3-f; 4-c; 5-a; 6-d.
1. sore - b. throat;
2. sports - e. event;
3. dairy - f. products;
4. junk - c. food;
5. knee - a. pads;
6. stomach - d. ache.
B. Complete with the words in the box.
1. Dana is overweight so she is trying to lose weight by eating healthy food and exercising.
2. I feel a bit ill today. I think I should cancel my tennis practice and stay at home.
3. Stephanie completely forgot about her sister's birthday and didn't even call her to say happy birthday.
4. You shouldn't overdo it with coffee. Drinking a lot of it is bad for you.
5. Lots of people prefer to drink tea instead of coffee.
6. Laura exercises every day, so she is very fit.
C. Use should or shouldn't and the prompts in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. It's Joanna's birthday today. We should buy her a present.
2. Roy's got a headache. He should take a painkiller.
3. It's raining We shouldn't go swimming.
4. Andy Is very hungry. He should cook to eat.
5. Sandra Is very slim. She shouldn't lose.
6. Paul can't see well. He shouldn't drive without glasses.
D. Circle the correct words.
1.A few friends of mine hang out at the new shopping centre.
2. Vegetables contain a lots of vitamins.
3. There weren't many people at the concert yesterday.
4. How much meat do you eat every week?
5. Peter needs a little time alone. Let's go outside.
6. How much are these sunglasses? €50?
E. Complete the sentences with the correct question tag.
1. Frank, you saw Sandy today, didn't you?
2. Your friends love music, don't they?
3. They used to go hiking every weekend, didn't they?
4. Your brother wont take part in the race, will he?
5. Lucy's a doctor, isn't she?
6. I don't have to come with you, do I?
7. Mum Is cooking dinner, isn't she?
8. Patrick could run very fast when he was young, couldn't he?
9. James isn't going to join the karate class, is he?
10. You weren't waiting long, were you?
F. Match
1-e; 2-c; 3-f; 4-b; 5-d; 6-a.
1. You're taking up handball, aren't you? - e. No. I'm taking up hockey.
2. I think maths Is more interesting than history. - c. I disagree.
3. I eat lots of fried food. - f. You should avoid it.
4. What's wrong with you? - b. I think I've got the flu.
5. How often do you eat fast food? - d. Every now and then.
6. Danny likes doing the gardening doesn't he? - a. Yes, he loves flowers.

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