ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Підручник [Мітчелл Г. К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2023

icon20.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon2 766, icon0

Round-up 3
Сторінка 105
A. Cross out the odd word. Then add one more.
1. cross: locked; add: surprised, frightened;
2. cross: bush; add: back, knee;
3. cross: tent; add: roller, coaster, water slide;
B. Circle the correct words.
1. I crashed into a tree yesterday. Fortunately, someone saw me and called for an ambulance immediately.
2. My dad was on a ladder cleaning the windows when he slipped and fell. Luckily he didn't break anything.
3. A: It's very dark in this cave. Let's go outside.
B: Why? Are you frightened?
4. Last month Mary lost her keys twice and she got a flat tyre three times.
5. There was a huge queue at the bank today.
6. When Kelly heard about the accident she was shocked.
C. Complete with the Past Progressive of the verbs in the box.
1. Tina was waiting for me outside the shop while I was buying souvenirs.
2. The boys were talking about the school trip all day yesterday!
3. A: What was Andrea showing you when I saw you in the park yesterday?
B: Pictures from her holiday.
4. My uncle called us very late last night but we weren't sleeping.
D. Complete with the Past Simple or the Past Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
1. Alan slipped on a banana skin and fell down while he was walking to school today.
2. The kids were swimming when suddenly they saw a shark.
3. I was listening to music when my parents got back from their trip.
That's why I didn't hear them.
E. Complete with some, any or no.
1. There isn't any milk left. Would you like some tea?
2. A: Aunt Fay gave me some cake it's in the fridge.
B: Hey. There's no cake in the fridge. Who ate it?
F. Circle the correct words.
1. Jack broke a bottle of water and there was water everywhere on the kitchen floor!
2. A: What's that noise? B: I can't hear anything.
3. The film was great. Everyone loved it.
4. I think somebody is playing a joke on you.
5. I'm thirsty, but I've got nothing to drink.
6. Is there a restaurant anywhere around here?
7. I just called Jake's house, but there’s nobody at home
G. Complete the dialogue with the sentences a-e.
A: Hey. Julia That wasn't very funny yesterday.
B:(1) What do you mean? (d.)
A: Oh. come on. I know everything. (2) You played a joke on me. (a.)
B: No, I didn't.
A: (3) It wasn't you? Hang on a minute. (c.)
B: No. it wasn't me. What happened?
A: Well. I think I saw a ghost then.
B: Oh come on (4) I don't believe you. (e.)
A: But I saw a strange shadow In the garden and..
B: Maybe It was your sister or someone else
A: (5) I don't think so. (b.)

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