ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Test book Prepare [Торрес Люсі] 2023

icon28.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon7 808, icon0

Unit 11. Test B.
1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There is one you do not need to use.
1. You use eggs to make an omelette and you can add cheese and vegetables.
2. On the streets of Thailand, you can buy fish soup and grilled chicken legs.
3. You can have fresh vegetables or salad with your burger.
4. Do you want a burger or fresh bread or toast?
5. I like cheese, tomatoes and mushrooms on my pizza.
6. Lemonade made with fresh fruit, isn't as sweet as cola.
7. Mineral water is better than cola or lemonade.
8. In China a lot of meat dishes come with noodles and vegetables.
2. Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1. I like to drink mineral water when it's hot. - D.
2. Do you want some chips with your burgers? - A.
3. I had a drink of lemonade in the cafe. It tasted of real fruit. - D.
4. Why don't you have a salad with your burger? It's healthier than chips. - B.
5. Can I have some cream with my dessert7 - A.
6. Which pizza do you prefer - margherita or mushroom? - A.
7. The chicken legs in the cafe near my house are fantastic. They serve them with salad and chips. - C.
3. Write the right word to complete the sentences. Write one word in each space.
1. My cousin is younger than my brother. He's only two years old.
2. A burger isn't as big as a pizza.
3. Why don't you take the train? Buses are slower than trains.
4. I think playing football is more interesting than watching it.
5. Do you think burgers are as tasty as pizza?
6. Street food is usually cheaper than food in a restaurant.
7. I'm not as tall as my brother.
8. This homework is more difficult last week's homework.
4. Complete the sentences using the comparative form of the adjective in brackets.
1. Burgers are not as healthy as salad.
2. Gold is more expensive than silver.
3. The Burger Bar is more popular than The Pizza Restaurant.
4. Ukraine is bigger than France.
5. Football is more popular than futsal.
6. Greece is hotter than Scotland.
7. An elephant is not bigger than a blue whale.
8. I love your shoes. They are better than mine.
5. Listen and write the words you hear. (Circle) the right sound.
1. cup - /a/.
2. what - /o/.
3. one - /a/.
4. much - /a/.
5. socks - /o/.
6. cross - /o/.
7. curry - /a/.
8. want - /o/.

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