ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Test book Prepare [Торрес Люсі] 2023

icon28.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon2 503, icon0

Unit 12. Test B.
1. Write the missing word in the sentences.
1. When you download something, you copy information onto your computer.
2. A tablet is smaller than a laptop, but bigger than a mobile phone.
You can play games on it and use it to go online.
3. Digital describes cameras and clocks that record information as Os or Is.
4. A dangerous computer programme is called a virus.
5. Machine has moving parts and help humans to do work.
6. You use a keyboard to write words and numbers on a computer.
7. Memory is how much information a computer can hold.
8. You can use your mouse to move information on your screen.
2. Complete the sentences with words from the box. There are some words you do not need to use.
1. I went online to buy some new clothes for my last holiday.
2. My sister often goes online to find information for school projects.
3. Mobile phones have a lot of memory so you can download a lot of songs.
4. I like watching the latest videos on YouTube.
5. Why don't you use your tablet to chat to your friends in Scotland?
6. Do you often visit websites to help you with your homework?
7. I think that playing games is more boring than watching films.
8. I sometimes surf the internet to find cheap flights and hotels.
3. Make sentences. Use the superlative form of the adjectives.
1. I think Venice is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
2. London is the most expensive city in the UK.
3. You can find the best music on this website.
4. I am the worst singer in our class.
5. My best friend is the friendliest person in our class.
6. This question is the easiest question in this exercise.
7. This is the healthiest burger in the world.
8. This supermarket is the busiest shop in my town.
4. Choose the right word(s) to complete the sentences.
1. My sister is the youngest in my family. She's only one year old.
2. Leo Messi is one of the most famous football players in the world.
3. My sister's got the shortest hair in the school.
4. I want to buy the fastest computer in the world!
5. My brother's the tallest in the basketball team.
6. This is the most expensive restaurant in our street.
7. This supermarket is the cheapest in town.
8. I think my cousin is the cleverest student in the school.
5. Listen and write the superlatives you hear. (Circle) the right option.
1. the most exciting - oOo.
2. the friendliest - oOo.
3. the cleverest - oOoo.
4. the worst - oO.
5. the quickest - oOo.
6. the nicest - oOo.
7. the most expensive - oOoo.
8. the biggest - oOo.

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