ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2023

icon28.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon3 509, icon0

Unit 7b
Сторінка 70
A. Complete the texts with the words in the box.
1 - lyrics; 2 - performance; 3 - audience; 4 - tour; 5 - fan; 6 - thrilled; 7 - talented; 8 - stage; 9 - autograph.
B. Complete the table.
Base Form
Past Simple
Past Participle
C. Complete with have/has been or have/has gone.
1. A: Has Peter been to Italy?
B: Yes, he's visited Rome many times.
2. A: Have you ever been to Chicago?
B: Yes, I have been there twice. It's a very nice city.
3. A: Where are your parents?
B: They have gone to Canterbury. They went to visit my grandparents.
4. A: Has Joanna gone to the chemist's to buy some painkillers?
B: Yes. She'll be back soon.
5. A: We have already been to the new youth club three times.
B: Really. I have been there only once. I didn't like it.
Сторінка 71
D. Look at the list of things Viola wants to do before she's 20 years old. The pictures show what she's already done. Write sentences about the things she's already done and about the things she hasn't done yet.
1. She has already watched a Manchester United football match.
2. She hasn't travelled to New York City yet.
3. She has already ridden a camel through the desert.
4. She has already tried scuba diving.
5. She hasn’t met her favourite singer yet.
6. She hasn't learnt how to drive a car yet.
E. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
1. I have just returned from my trip and I'm really tired.
2. Alex took his sister to Madonna's concert last night. He has taken three concerts so far.
3. A: Have Joe and Michael called you yet?
B: Yes. Actually they have called me twice. They called an hour ago.
4. Veronica didn't book her flight to Germany last weekend. Actually, she hasn't booked it yet.
5. Paul went to Victors house two hours ago. He will be home soon.
6. Steven hasn't read this book before I think he will love it.
7. A: Did you see Robert yesterday evening?
B: No, he didn't come to the skatepark.
8. We have watched this film three times. We love it! We even bought the DVD last Saturday.
F. Use the prompts to write questions. Then answer them.
1 .Where did you go on holiday last summer? - I went to the beach last summer.
2 .What strange food have you tasted so far? - I have tried frog's legs.
3 .When did you see a live band? - I saw a live band last year.
4 .What countries have you visited so far? - I have visited Scotland, Turkey and Egypt so far.

iconГДЗ 6 клас Англійська мова Робочий зошит Зошит 2023 Мітчелл Малкоґіанні Лінгвіст
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