ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2023
6 Клас / Англійська мова,
3 272,
Round-up 7
Сторінка 76A. Complete with the words in the box.
1. I will add some pictures to the poster to make it more interesting.
2. Tommy was thrilled when he saw his grandfather coming.
3. Jack was the first contestant to answer all the questions correctly.
4. Woolly's have a 70% discount on all products in June.
5. Our gig was amazing last night! The crowd was singing to all our songs!
6. Steve has left a note for you on your desk. It's got his number on it.
7. We watched a wildlife documentary last night.
8. Did you receive my e-mail? I sent it to you last Monday.
B. Circle the correct words.
1. A: How long have you had this guitar?
B: Twelve years. My parents bought it when I was 6.
2. A: Is Stan here?
B: No, I think he's gone to the football match.
A: But the match finished two hours ago.
B: Oh. Well, maybe he's at his friend's house.
3. A: Did you sleep well last night?
B: Actually, no. I haven't slept well since Tuesday.
C. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets.
1. Have you been to the new shopping centre yet? It's huge.
2. Jonathan has already read J. R. R. Tolkien's first book.
3. Lucy and Eve haven't seen their friends since December.
4. I have taken part in many competitions so far.
5. Bob has not driven a Ferrari, but he wants to.
6. A: Has Frank ever met Alice?
B: No, they have never met.
7. Karen hasn't finished homework yet.
8. Call Fay. She has called three times since this morning!
D. Write sentences with too or enough and the adjectives given.
1. Billy can't drink his tea. cold. It's too cold. warm. It isn't warm enough.
2. This top doesn't fit. It's very small. tight. It's too tight. big. It isn't big enough.
3. Jessica can't talk to anyone right now, upset. She is too upset. calm. She isn't calm enough.
E. Choose a, b or c.
1-b; 2-c; 3-a; 4-a; 5-b; 6-c; 7-c; 8-a.
1. Which film did you watch b. yesterday?
2. I don't think I've c. ever had a more exciting day.
3. Someone has a. just walked into the shop.
4. We've lived here a. for twenty years.
5. Three weeks b. ago I met a man from China.
6. Sandra has c. always wanted to go to Brazil.
7. I had lunch with Mike c. last Saturday.
8. Where have I seen that man a. before?
Сторінка 77
F. Choose a or b.
1-b; 2-a; 3-b; 4-b; 5-b; 6-a; 7-a; 8-b.
1. b. Whose are these painkillers? Can I take one?
2. A: Which sunglasses are yours?
B: The a. ones on the table, next to the TV.
3. A: Whose headphones are these? Mary's?
B: Yes, they're b. hers.
4. Is that b. your car? It's cool I
5. A: Is that your father's computer?
B: No, it's b. mine.
6. A: Is this Tony's jacket?
B: No. that a. one is his.
7. Wow! Is that a. Alan and Julia's new car?
8. Ted and Fred are brothers, b. Their house is near the park.
G. Complete with the sentences a-g.
1-f; 2-c; 3-e; 4-g; 5-a; 6-d; 7-b.
Anne. What's wrong? (1) f. You look upset.
Sam. My parents are angry with me.
Anne. (2) c. Why? What happened?
Sam. Well, yesterday they went out for dinner. Anne OK, so?
Sam. I went out too. I went to Beth's party.
Anne. (3) e. I don’t get it. Why are they angry?
Sam. Because I returned home at 2 a.m.
Anne. Oh dear!
Sam. I know. (4) g. I feel terrible. And I'm afraid they won’t let me hang out with my friends again. (5) a. What should I do?
Anne. I don’t know. (6) d. But you shouldn't do that again.
Sam. I won't. I’ve learnt my lesson now.
Anne. (7) b. Everything will be just fine.
Sam. Thanks.
H. Read the text and write T for True or F for False.
1. Melanie doesn't often return clothes to her sister. - True.
2. Melanie bought Beth a dress for her birthday. - True.
3. The dress fits Beth. - Faise.
4. Melanie borrowed the dress for Andy's party. - True.
5. Beth turned on Melanie's laptop to chat in a chat room. - False.
6. Melanie thought the dress was Beth's size. - False.
7. Melanie doesn't let people look at her laptop. - True.
Шановна Рут. У мене проблема з моєю сестрою Мелані. Вона весь час позичає мої речі і ніколи їх не повертає. І коли вона повертає їх зазвичай з ними щось не так. Це стає справді неприємним. Минулої суботи вона зробила щось жахливе. Це був мій день народження, і вона купила мені гарне плаття. Я впевнений, що це було досить дорого. Проблема полягала в тому, що він був маленьким. Зараз у мене трохи зайва вага, тому мені було тісно. На жаль, медіума в магазині не було і він був останнім. Я хотіла його змінити, але Мелані приміряла, і він їй ідеально пасував. Це чудова сукня для вечірки Енді, - сказала вона. Тому я дозволив їй позичити його. Пізніше того дня я побачив ноутбук Мелані. Він був увімкнений, а її не було у своїй кімнаті. Вона була посеред розмови в чаті зі своєю найкращою подругою. Вона пояснювала, що знала, що сукня мені замала, але все одно купила її. їй просто потрібно було щось одягнути на вечірку до Енді! Я не говорив з нею про це, тому що вона сердиться, коли я дивлюся на її ноутбук. Я вважаю, що те, що вона зробила, було справді поганим. Що я повинен зробити? Бет, Брайтон.
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