ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2023
6 Клас / Англійська мова,
3 535,
Round-up 1
Сторінка 16A. Write.
1. three school subjects: English, Maths, History
2. three items of clothing: dress, jumper, skirt
3. three adjectives describing personality: kind, polite, angry
4. three adjectives describing physical appearance: thin, thick, slim.
B. Match.
1. wear - c. boots.
2. be - d. in fashion.
3. join - a. a youth club.
4. become - g. a singer.
5. read - f. magazines.
6. go - b. rollerblading.
7. surf - h. the Net.
8. play - e. table tennis.
C. Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
1. A: How often do Alice and Sheila go to the gym?
B: They go three times a week.
2. A: What are you doing now?
B: I am drawing a flower.
3. A: Is Ariel cooking at the moment?
B: No, she isn't cooking. She is chatting on the Net.
4. A: Does your Victor get home at 9 p.m. every day?
B: No, he usually comes at 6 p.m.
5. A: Ian and I are painting our house these days.
B: Do you paint your house once a year?
A: No. We do not need to paint the house every year.
6. A: My friends and I usually play baseball on Saturdays.
D. Choose a, b or c.
1-c; 2-a; 3-a; 4-c; 5-a; 6-c; 7-b; 8-b; 9-b.
1. Derek c. never goes to Internet cafes.
2. Mandy's birthday is a. in June.
3. I like hanging out with my friends a. after school.
4. Tony doesn't usually play computer games c. on weekdays.
5. I a. never wear these leggings. They are awful.
6. Rita c. always helps her friends. She's a very helpful person.
7. I go to the beach b. three times a month.
8. A: b. When do you watch TV? B: In the evening.
9. Every Saturday, George goes to the youth club and stays there b. till three o'clock.
Сторінка 17
E. Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I want to buy a new mobile phone.
2. Tracey and Sally love doing arts and crafts.
3. We can't stand watching football on TV.
4. A: Would you like to go to the theatre tonight?
B: Sorry. I hate going to the theatre.
5. I enjoy spending my free time with my sisters.
6. Larry likes reading a newspaper in the afternoon.
F. Choose a or b.
1-b; 2-b; 3-a; 4-b; 5-a; 6-a.
1. Why are you wearing that dress? - b. I like it.
2. Check out my new shoes. - b. Wow!
3. Do you enjoy going to concerts? - a. Yes. They're great fun.
4. I don't like your new boots. - b. But they're in fashion.
5. What does he look like? - a. He's got curly fair hair and green eyes.
6. What a mess! - a. Let's help Tom do the housework.
G. Read the e-mail and answer the questions.
1. No, she can't.
2. She gets together with her friends. Charlotte and they make their own clothes and accessories.
3. They buy hats and T-shirts.
4. She is fun, active, outgoing and clever.
5. No, she isn't.
6. Charlotte is good at Maths.
Привіт Холлі, Я не можу зустрітися з тобою цими вихідними, тому що щосуботи ми з моєю подругою Шарлоттою збираємось і виготовляємо власний одяг та аксесуари. Виготовляємо спідниці та топи. Також виготовляємо сережки, пояси та капелюшки. Це дуже весело. Ми йдемо в центр міста, купуємо шапки та футболки, а потім малюємо на них. Це дуже просто. Це як займатися декоративно-прикладним мистецтвом. З Шарлоттою весело спілкуватися. Вона активна і комунікабельна. Ми багато чого робимо разом. Ми граємо у волейбол тричі на тиждень, а по п'ятницях ходимо в молодіжний клуб і граємо в настільний теніс. Шарлотта не дуже добре розбирається у спорті, тому я зазвичай перемагаю. Вона також дуже розумна і іноді допомагає мені з домашнім завданням з математики. Відпишіть найближчим часом. Люблю, Джулі.
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