ГДЗ Англійська мова 6 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкоґіанні] 2023

icon28.11.2023, icon6 Клас / Англійська мова, icon3 509, icon0

Unit 1b.
Сторінка 10
A. Look at the picture, read the sentences and correct them.
1. Lucy is tall. She has medium-length hair and blue eyes.
2. Gordon is chubby. He has got short hair.
3. Ben is short. He's got sort dark hair.
4. Stephanie has got long curly hair and blue eyes.
B. Circle the correct words.
1. OK, children! We're out of time. Please close your books.
2. A: What does Wendy look like?
B: She's got long wavy hair and green eyes.
3. Is Ron still at school?
4. Dad can't read without his glasses.
5. I can't find my mobile phone. Can you help me?
C. Complete with the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
1. A: Is Pete having a bath?
B: No, he is not having a bath. He is watching TV at the moment.
2. A: Where js Jack going now?
B: He is going to the cinema.
3. A: Why is Claire wearing a jacket?
B: Because she's cold.
4. A: Are the boys doing their homework?
B: No, they are riding their bikes in the park.
5. A: Are you eating breakfast?
B: No, I am not eating breakfast. I am getting ready for school.
6. A: What is Kate doing?
B: She is taking pictures of the lake.
Сторінка 11
D. Complete with the Present Progressive of the words in the box.
1. Be quiet! The baby is sleeping.
2. A: Are they making jewellery at the moment?
B: No, they are listening to music.
3. Ray and Steve are playing board games in the living room.
4. I am not studying at the moment. I'm too tired.
5. A: Is Mum talking on the phone?
B: No, she isn't. She is sending e-mails.
6. Gloria isn't riding her bike today.
E. Write sentences using the Present Progressive and the prompts given.
1. Is Susan reading a book at the moment?
2. I am doing my homework now.
3. Ted is not working today.
4. Are you playing tennis this year?
5. Jim is spending a lot of money these days.
6. Kelly is not painting today.
F. Match.
1-c; 2-e; 3-a; 4-b; 5-d.
1. Where's Greta? - c. There she is! She's standing near the door.
2. What does Luke look like? - e. He's tall and slim.
3. Is that Rita? - a. No. that's Fay. Rita has got brown hair.
4. My time's up. I can't finish the game. - b. That's too bad.
5. What is Pete doing? - d. He's watching TV.

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