ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Зошит для контролю [Мясоєдова С.В.] 2015

icon28.04.2018, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon5 390, icon0

Test 5. Sports from A to Z lessen Variant 1
1. Listen to the text and circle the correct answer.
1) The text is...
a) a fairy tale.
b) an article.
c) a report.
(d) a story.
2) Jack worried because...
(a) he had a patch on his trousers.
b) his trousers were too long.
c) there were a lot of children at the competitions.
d) he wasn't in a mood for sport.
3) What kind of prize did the winner receive?
(a) Money.
b) Medals.
c) Presents.
d) Balls.
4) Jack won...
a) all the competitions.
b) only the first race.
(c) The competition in which he participated together with Ann.
d) no competition.
2. Read the definitions and write the names of the sports.
1) Fencing
A sport of fighting with swords, especially foils.
2) Cycling
A sport or activity of riding a bicycle.
3) Wrestling
A sportof trying to throw an opponent down on the ground, according to a code of rules.
4) Boxing
A sport of fighting with the fists.
3. Complete the sentences with question tags.
  • 1) Lucy can't swim, (can she)?
  • 2) He won the race, (did he)?
  • 3) The team has scored three goals, (hasn't it)?
  • 4) The children are going to swim, (aren't they)?

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас Зошит для контролю Зошит Мясоєдова 2015 Ранок
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