ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Зошит для контролю [Мясоєдова С.В.] 2015

icon28.04.2018, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon4 885, icon0

Test 8. Places of interest Lesson Variant 1
1. Listen to the texts and write the correct numbers.
The House with Chimeras - 3
Big Ben - 4
Mariyinskyi Palace - 2
The Tower of London - 1
2. Read the text and match (a—d) to 1—4.
Which of the advertisements offers... a; training and equipment for watersports?
b) a visit to a museum?
c) a bike tour of Brighton?
d) an on-foot tour of Brighton?
  • (a) 1) At Brighton Marina you can icarn to yacht sail or drive a boat. We provide training and all specialized equipment.
  • (d) 2) 90-minute guided walking tour of Bnghton's fascinating old town! Visit famous landmarks, hear about Brighton's history and culture and explore its hidden past
  • (b) 3) Tb is fascinating museum has exhibits that include hundreds of British Dirds, insects from butterflies to beetles, a whale skeleton and dinosaur bones.
  • (c) 4) Welcome to Brighton Cycling, the original bike tour company in Brighton. With us you can cycle round our beautiful city whilst learning about the history of the sights and the main characters that put Brighton on the map.
3. Read and make up three special questions.
Vydubychi Monastery is one of 'he famous and historic monasteries in Kyiv. Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavych founded it in 1070. According to legend, the name of the monastery is associated with the Christianization of Rus. In 1924, the government closed the monastery. It was reopened in 1992 and now is one of the finest churches of Kyiv.
  • 1) What (is Vydubychi Monastery?)
  • 2) Who (did found)
  • 3) when (was it built)

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас Зошит для контролю Зошит Мясоєдова 2015 Ранок
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