ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Зошита для контролю знань [Мясоєдова С.В.] 2010

icon13.05.2018, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon3 454, icon0

Writing 2
Variant 1

2. care; hospital; patients; nurses; illness; medicine. Writing. The second term. '
1) е.
2) b.
3) а,
4) f.
5) d.
6) с.
1. were our seats?
Is the director of the “Taxi-4”? Households have a pet?
Must the First Foot carry the coal? Official duties has a Queen?
2. You should eat healthy food. Rat a lot of fruits and vegetables. You should do morning exercises. Exercises can make you strong.
You should take care or your teeth. Brush your teeth twice a day.
You should wash often to stay healthy. Wash your hands before you eat.
3. It was built by John Nash.
It was built after the victory in the battle of Trafalgarin 1805.
4. Playing soccer is a good form of exercise.
|Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the royal famil
Sarah Hughes won the gold medal in women’s figure skating at the 2002 Winter Olympics.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас Зошит для контролю знань Зошит Мясоєдова 2010 Ранок
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