ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Мітчелл Г.К., Малкогіанні М.] 2024
7d What's wrong with you?
Сторінка 841. Look at the picture. Listen, read and write the names of the people.
1 - Roger; 2 - Tony; 3 - Helen; 4 - Mandy; 5 - Ken; 6 - Colin; 7 - Lisa; 8 - Meg.
2. A. Listen, read and match the paragraphs 1-3 with the pictures a-c.
1 - c;
2 - b;
3 - a.
Сторінка 85
2. В. Read again and correct the sentences.
1. People used to tie a cooked onion to their feet.
2. People used to put their feet in hot water.
3. People used to put garlic into their ear for half an hour.
4. People shouldn't hold the hairdryer closer than 30 cm from their ear.
3. Complete the sentences with the or
1. Gina usually meets her friends in the evening after work.
2. Kids! Go and wash your hands because dinner is ready.
3. Everybody knows that we can't live without food and water for long
4. The Lake Titicaca is high in the Andes mountain range in South America.
4. В. Listen and tick (3 ) the sound you hear.
hot | home | |
stop | + | - |
hold | - | + |
doctor | + | - |
alone | - | + |
know | - | + |
probably | + | - |
popular | + | - |
go | - | + |
the flu; cough; sore throat; temperature.