ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Мітчелл Г.К., Малкогіанні М.] 2024

1a School life
1b Household chores
1c At the youth club
1d Fun after school
1e My new hobby
2a When technology goes wrong!
2b Tech break
2c Look out!
2d Become a blogger!
2e Guess what!
3а Pack your bags
3b Holidays in the countryside
3c Holiday experiences
3d Travelling around Ukraine
3e Let's go camping!
Song 2
5а Eating right
5b Healthy eating
5с What will you have?
5d What's cooking?
5e Eating out
Song 3
6а Helping others
6b Save our planet!
6c What will the weather be like?
6d What a disaster!
6е Give a helping hand
Culture page 3
7a Watch out?
7b It's an emergency!
7с Good night!
7d What's wrong with you?
7е I need some advice
Song 4
8a Sports and leisure
8b Don't be a couch potato?
8с Keeping fit
8d Safety comes first
8e Get active!
Culture page 4
1 Round-up
2 Round-up
3 Round-up
4 Round-up
5 Round-up
6 Round-up
7 Round-up
8 Round-up
Culture page for Ukraine 1
Culture page for Ukraine 2
2 CLIL / Art
3CLIL I Science & Social Studies