ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Несвіт А.М.] 2015

icon25.04.2018, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon7 515, icon0

Lesson 4
Ex.4b, p.111
Which sport club do you visit?
What are your favourite kinds of sport? Why do you like them? How long have you been attending this club?
When did you begin to play sport?
Did you ask you friends to join you?
Ex.4b, p.111
Which sport club do you visit?
What are your favourite kinds of sport? Why do you like them? How long have you been attending this club?
When did you begin to play sport?
Did you ask you friends to join you?
Ex.6, p.111
Dear Ben,
I am writing in reply to your request for in-formation about sports which are popular among teenagers in Ukraine. I have done a class survey recently and I think I’d let you know about my friends favourite activities. Everybody says that playing sport is very exciting.
We have school competitions during the year. Many of my classmates take part in
them. We learn to be a part of a team. The other great thing is our tennis club. I have been attending it for two years. So you can see that sport is very popular in our school. It’s best to join any sport club and have training with your friends.
So why not give it a try? It’s lots of fun.
Yours Tim

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас Підручник Несвіт 2015 Генеза
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