ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Зошит для контролю [Мясоєдова С.В.] 2015

icon28.04.2018, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon4 879, icon0

Test 8. Relative Pronouns Variant 1
1. Read the sentences and tick (+) the correct variant.
1) The Edinburgh festival will be attractive for those ... are interested in art.
(a) who
b) whose
c) who's
d) whom
2) I usually go to the restaurant ... is near my house. They serve really nice chicken there.
a) where
b) when
(c) which
d) who
3) Look out! This is the dog ... bit John last Wednesday!
a) whose
(b) that
c) where
d) who
4) I have no idea ... picture it is.
a) when
b) where
c) who
(d) what
5) This is the hotel ... the President stayed last month.
a) which
b) that
(c) where
d) who
6) I was preparing for the Geography exam ... the telephone rang.
a) that
c) which
d) who

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