ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Несвіт А.М.] 2015

icon25.04.2018, icon7 Клас / Англійська мова, icon7 921, icon0

Unit 7
Lesson 1-2
Ех.З, р.43
1 - F,
2 - T,
3 - F,
4 - F,
5 - F
Ex.6, p.144
1. so expensive;
2. so busy;
3. so small;
4. hard;
6. poor
1. She wanted to find out about the city attractions so she went to the tourist information centre.
2. We wanted to get to the airport quickly so we hired a taxi.
3. We wanted to grow our own vegetables so we moved to the country.
4. They wanted to have a well-planned holiday so we went to the tourist agency,
5. They wanted to watch the theatrical performance so they bought the tickets.
6. She was preparing a report on Kyiv in the Middle Ages so she bought a book about the history of Kyiv.

iconГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас Підручник Несвіт 2015 Генеза
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