ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас. Підручник [Несвіт А.М.] 2015
7 Клас / Англійська мова,
7 921,
Lesson 3
Ex.3, p.166
1. how to help those in need
2. service projects and learn how to care for the world
3. responsible, themselves how they can make a difference
4. with the help of their teachers
5. many school subjects
6. service learning
Ех.5, р.167
1. so,
2. such,
3. so,
4. so,
5. such,
6. so
ГДЗ Англійська мова 7 клас Підручник Несвіт 2015 Генеза
Ex.3, p.166
1. how to help those in need
2. service projects and learn how to care for the world
3. responsible, themselves how they can make a difference
4. with the help of their teachers
5. many school subjects
6. service learning
Ех.5, р.167
1. so,
2. such,
3. so,
4. so,
5. such,
6. so
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