ГДЗ Англійська мова 9 клас. Збірник контрольних робіт [Бондар Т., Пахомова Т.] 2017

icon17.12.2018, icon9 Клас / Англійська мова, icon4 359, icon0

Test 1. The UK Today
1. For questions from 1 - 8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. Circle the correct word.
1) For many UK visitors their first port of call is England — home of Shakespeare, Sherlock Holmes and 'Pride and Prejudice'.
2) There's energetic and ambitious London, steeped in iconic landmarks, world-class museums and royal parks, whilst Cornwall's balmy climate and surf-ready beaches that promise a more chilled-out stay.
3) Up North, Northumberland's starry skies and vast, unspoiled landscape stretch endlessly in front of you.
4) Manchester is known for its football chants and a stomping nightlife.
5) Friendly Liverpool impresses with its Beatles heritage and jaw-dropping architecture.
6) Lovebirds in search of romantic breaks may look towards a countryside and coast — strolling hand-in-hand along the beach.
7) Children can learn outside of the classroom whilst fossil hunting on the beach or discovering how the Tudors and Victorians lived at one of the UK's old castles and stately homes.
8) There’s plenty for youngsters with boundless energy as well, be it swinging through the forest on a treetop adventure or learning to kayak.
2. For sentences 1 - 8, read the text below and complete the gaps with the appropriate form of the word given at the end of each sentence.
1) Scotland's capital has nearly a half million people, over 60,000 of whom are university students attracting 13 million visitors a year, a testament to its attraction as a tourist destination.
2) The UK is governed by the parliament sitting in Westminster.
3) Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland also have parliaments or assemblies of their own.
4) The UK today is a more diverse society than it was one hundred years ago in both ethnic and religious terms.
5) The UK continues to be a multinational and multiracial society with a rich and various culture.
6) The rest of Ireland is an independent country.
7) Tartan is a woolen material with crossed strips of different colours.
8) The national symbol of England is the Tudor rose, also known as the rose of England.
3. Read the magazine article below. Six sentences have been removed from it. Choose from the sentences A-F the one which best fits each gap. There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.
1 - d;
2 - a;
3 - b;
4 - e.
4. For questions from 1 - 8, read the sentences below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. Circle the correct word.
1) I b) had never been to London when I challenged myself to a very spur of the moment trip to London a few years ago.
2) Because of my work schedule, I c) went on vacation in late October as it was hard for me to take a break from November through March.
3) I a) arrived in London one fine Tuesday and gathered my suitcase from baggage claim at Heathrow before jumping on the Tube.
4) The hotel where I a) was staying was only a block away from Earl's Court Station, a really great area in South Kensington.
5) The pre-purchased travel card I c) had bought online was awesome and I enjoyed not having to hassle with buying any travel tickets during my stay.
6) Now that I am a more seasoned traveler, I c) purchase an Oyster card and load it for the recommended amount for however long I am staying.
7) I feel sad because I d) am leaving this city tomorrow.
8) I hope I'll visit London very soon.
5. You will hear four descriptions in which people are talking about different national symbols. Choose from the list the national symbol that each speaker is talking about. Two symbols are extra.
Speaker 1 - b) a red rose
Speaker 2 - f) violet
Speaker 3 - a) leek
Speaker 4 - e) shamrock
6. Write an ad advertising one part of the UK you find the most interesting today.
England is a great place to visit or explore the country retains a boundless capacity to surprise, charm and excite. England has always had a history and heritage to be proud of and a glorious regional diversity. The list of best tourist attractions in England includes the Tower of London, London Bridge, Windsor Castle, Stonehenge and many others.

iconГДЗ 9 клас Англійська мова Бондар Зошит Зошит для контролю Пахомова Либра Терра 2017
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