ГДЗ Англійська мова 9 клас. Підручник [Карпюк О.Д.] 2017

icon16.12.2018, icon9 Клас / Англійська мова, icon71 373, icon18

Lesson 1. Vital Statistics
2. Read Peter’s blog and find out if the statements on page 7 are true or false.
1) F: Peter uses unreal name (Archibald) in his blog.
2) T: Peter plays water polo every day except at the weekend.
3) T: Peter hasn’t got any brothers or sisters.
4) T: Peter’s mum works as a teacher.
5) T: Peter’s dad thinks he has a sense of humor.
6) F: James is Peter’s pet parrot.
4. Complete the sentences about yourself.
I am interested in sport. In my free time I like speaking with my friends. My favourite school subject is Biology. My favourite singer is Vackarchuk. My favourite book is Moby Dick: The Whale by H. Melville. I usually wear T-shirt and jeans. My surname is Galayda. My form teacher is Prokopenko Ludmyla Olegivna.
6. Brian James was interviewed for a teenage magazine. Read the teenager’s talk about himself and find out the information to answer the questions on page 9.
1. Brian James loves to cook and make some fab Italian dishes.
2. He loves cooking for girls, because it’s much more fun.
3. He loves animals and has got pets.
4. His birth sign is a Gemini, because his birthday is in the end of May.
5. He listens to rap music.
6. He is happy to live in sunny California.
7. In his spare time he works out, rides horses, surfs and snow-skis.
8. No, he isn’t. He’s got an older sister and a younger brother.
8. Read and match the words with the same meaning.
1-B: cute — small and nice;
2-C: cool — very good, okay, nice, no problem;
3-A: fab — excellent;
4-D: fight — argument;
5-E: folks — parents;
6-G: gear — clothes;
7-I: guy — person;
8-F: mate — friend;
9-H: hang on — spend time with friends.
9a. Match different meanings of the verb ‘work out’ with the appropriate sentences.
A-4: I’ve worked out (find a solution) how we can get there.
B-l: Can you work out (calculate) how much it will all cost?
C-2: I can’t work her out (understand).
D-3: The plan is worked out (develop in a particular way) quite well.
E-5: I’m going to work out (do physical exercises) in the gym this evening.
9b. Make up your own sentences with at least three different meanings of the verb.
1. I’ve spent some time to work out (understand) new words in the text.
2. Every morning my friend works out (do physical exercises) on his running track at home.
3. Our team worked out (develop in a particular way) the old scenario of a spring festival.
4. I’m going to work out (calculate) the budget for my potential week travel to Italia.
5. I have no idea how to work out (find a solution) the problem.
10. Match the adjectives from the box with their descriptions below.
1. Positive. He thinks he will be successful and the situation will have a good result.
2. Gorgeous. He is very good-looking.
3. Outgoing. He is friendly and open.
4. Caring. He helps people when they are in trouble.
5. Determined. He knows what he wants and tries hard to get it.
6. Honest. He doesn’t lie to people.
11. Do the questionnaire. Each time choose only one statement.
The answers can be different depend on your choice.
1. A. I get on well with my family.
2. C. I don’t think I would do anything to help my friends.
3. B. Life would be easier without school.
4. A. I sometimes wear trendy clothes.
5. B. I don’t mind sports.
6. C. Fast food is rubbish.
7. A. Comedies are my favourite type of films.
8. B. I read books in my free time.
9. A. Good looks are not important at all.

iconГДЗ 9 клас Англійська мова Підручник Либра Терра 2017 Карпюк
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1 a) Відгадайте назви цих українських міст.
1. Символом міста є знамениті Потьомкінські сходи на Приморському бульварі.
Відомі сходи в Одесі.
2. Це курорт, який відомий своєю лікувальною водою «Нафтуся».
Найвідоміша мінеральна вода Трускавця.
3. Місто розташоване на правому березі Десни, приблизно в 150 км від Києва і є одним з найстаріших міст України.
4. У цьому місті Івано-Франківської області є музей Писанка, єдиний у світі музей, в якому експонуються твори писанської живопису.
В місті Коломия.
5. Це місто і районний центр Закарпатської області, відомий своєю чарівною фортецею Паланок 14-17 століть.
Замок у закарпатському місті Мукачево.
6. Хортиця - історико-культурний заповідник, що знаходиться в цьому місті.
Острів Хортиця в місті Запоріжжі.
7. Це місто в Черкаській області, де є унікальний парк, побудований бельгійським інженером Л. Метлецем на прохання графа С. Потоцького і названий на честь дружини Софії.
Знаменитий парк «Софіївка» в Умані.

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