ГДЗ Англійська мова 9 клас. Збірник контрольних робіт [Бондар Т., Пахомова Т.] 2017

icon17.12.2018, icon9 Клас / Англійська мова, icon4 359, icon0

Test 2. Teen Generation
1. For questions from 1 - 8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. Circle the correct word.
1) I like (wearing) baggy sportswear because I spend a lot of time on my skating.
2) Their favourite (hangouts) are computer labs cyber cafes or any other places with a computer near by.
3) They (unit) well with skaters, since skateboarding is their favourite pastime.
4) Baggy clothes and baseball caps are their most usual (outfit).
5) Their sports (career) is as important as school for them.
6) You might call them fashion (victims) because they love designer labels and always keep up with the latest trends.
7) They think that today's world (cares) too much around money.
8) Some young people like (dying) their hair in bright colours.
2. For sentences 1 - 8, read the text below and complete the gaps with the appropriate form of the word given at the end of each sentence.
1) The most important thing is that I feel (comfortable) in the clothes I wear (COMFORT).
2) The are simply (genius) - when it comes to computers (GENIUS).
3) They are not too picky about music either, but rock, heavy metal or hip hop are among their (favouritet) (FAVOUR).
4) It is also quite (logical) that they spend most of their free time in a gym (LOGIC).
5) They are extremely (behaving): they never forget to do their homework (BEHAVE).
6) Although most teenagers find books (boring) this teenage group really enjoys reading (BORE).
7) A (jogging) suit is their most usual outfit, simply because it is the most comfortable one (JOG).
8) Fashion should be more on the (artistic) side (ARTIST).
3. Read the magazine article below. Six sentences have been removed from it. Choose from the sentences A-F the one which best fits each gap. There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.
1 - d;
2 - e;
3 - c;
4 - b.
4. Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs from the box.
Choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentences. Bernardo is interested (1) (ni) / on travelling. He began traveling when he was a young child. He is fond (2) (of) / at visiting new places every Christmas and summer holiday. In particular, he'll never forget visiting Lviv in 2016. He heard a lot (3) (of) / on Ukraine from his friend. So when his Ukrainian friend invited him to come to Lviv, he agreed (4) to / (on) visiting this ancient city. On the day when he was going to depart, there was a big snowstorm. He was afraid (5) about / (of driving) to the airport because the roads were icy. When he finally got inside the airport, Bernardo realised that he didn't have his clothes. He was sure (6) in / (of) packing them into the backpack. He remembered to bring his passport at least So after arriving in Lviv, he had to stop to buy some clothes. However, in the end, he was pleased (7) (with) / about this great trip. Now he looks forward (8) on (to) / visiting other beautiful cities in Ukraine.
5. Listen to Carla's profile. Some activities are OK for her, but other things are not. Listen to her profile and tick the correct column.
- Activity
OK doing:
a enjoy painting
b playing the guitar
f growing roses
g horseback riding
h cycling
Not OK doing:
c embroidering
d cooking
e cleaning
6. Write about advantages and disadvantages of joining a club.
Some student join the school's blubs because they want to get the benefit from it but some students join them for fun, and that's the main disadvantage but still. Joining a blub has a lot of advantages, such as personal development, cooperation with other people, improvement of personal skills and great motivation.

iconГДЗ 9 клас Англійська мова Бондар Зошит Зошит для контролю Пахомова Либра Терра 2017
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