ГДЗ ДПА 9 клас. Англійська мова [Марченко А.О., Лесишин Н.Л.] 2019
7 477,
READINGRead the text and mark the correct variant (А-D) to complete the sentences (1-6) as In the example.
1. Who had the idea of moving to Spain?
(A) Jenna
В Jenna's father
C Jenna’s brother
2. Jenna’s family bought the house in Alicante...
A after they sold their house in Cornwall.
(В) before Beckham signed for Real Madrid.
C when Jenna’s father was working in Barcelona.
3. The house in Alicante has...
(A) an apartment downstairs.
В a bathroom in every bedroom.
C two swimming pools.
4. Jenna’s friends in England...
A never receive emails from her.
(В) will visit her in winter.
C aren’t happy about her move.
5. Jenna is having problems learning Spanish because...
A her lessons at school are too hard.
B everyone speaks English to her.
(C) she can’t stop using French words.
6. Jenna thinks the best thing about Beckham is how he...
A plays football.
(В) loves his children.
C enjoys being famous.
Mark the correct variant (A-D) to fill in the blanks (1-6) as in the example.
A anywhere
(В) somewhere
C nowhere
D where
A at a time
В any time
(C) sometimes
D finally
(A) it is
В these are
C they are
D there are
A a few
В enough
C a little
(D) not enough
A Anyone
(В) No one
C Nobody
D Someone
(A) any
В no
C some
D few
Mark the correct variant (A-D) to fill in the blanks (7-12) as in the example.
(A) medium
В middle
C medial
D media
A oval
(В) straight
C slim
D sweet
A too
В such
C so
(D) very
A cute
B nice
(C) beautiful
D handsome
(A) caring
В careless
C careful
D care
A superb
(В) interesting
C perfect
D excellent
Write the rules you should obey in a library (at least 50 words).Use the plan below and your own Ideas:
• what library you go to;
• what you should do there;
• what you shouldn't do there.
I often go to my school library to read an interesting book or take it home. The main rules I obey in the library are:
• to be quiet while reading;
• to wash hands before reading;
• to return books in time;
• not to write anything on pages with a pen or a pencil;
• not to tear any pages from books;
• not to lose your books.
Я часто ходжу в шкільну бібліотеку, щоб почитати цікаву книгу або позичити її. Основні правила поведінки в бібліотеці, яких я дотримуюсь, такі:
• поводитися тихо під час читання;
• мити руки перед читанням;
• вчасно повертати книги;
• не писати на сторінках ручкою або олівцем;
• не виривати сторінки з книг;
• не губити книг.
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