ГДЗ ДПА 9 клас. Англійська мова [Марченко А.О., Лесишин Н.Л.] 2019
7 329,
READINGReid the text and mark the correct sentence (A-G) to fill in the blanks (1-6) as in the example.
6 - A Sometimes Yasmin goes with David and Rachel to a restaurant or to a friend’s house in the evening, but usually they stay home where they listen to music and relax.
5 - В She is always on hand so he can call her when he wants her to help him.
3 - C She lets David know when it is safe to cross the roads and if there is anything in his way.
1 - D They both wake up at 6.30 every morning.
2 - E After that, she helps him to find his way to work.
F She works for David, who cannot sec.
4 - G She has to remain alert in case David needs her!
Mark the correct variant (A-D) to fill in the blanks (1-6) as in the example.
A hot
В hotter
(C) the hottest
D more hot
A more noisy
B the noisiest
C noisy
(D) noisier
(A) lovely
В lovelier
C more lovely
D the loveliest
A high
В higher
(C) the highest
D the most high
A good
В better
C more good
(D) best
A busy
(В) the busiest
C busier
D more busy
Mark the correct variant (А-D) to fill in the blanks (7-12) as in the example.
A ridden
В run
(C) driven
D walked
A putting
В operating
(C) using
D managing
A where
(В) which
C who
D what
A rich
(В) worth
C expensive
D dear
(A) means
B decides
C plans
D has
A must
В ought
C need
(D) can
You want to make friends with somebody on the Internet. Write an email to your new penfriend (at least 50 words). Use the plan below and your own ideas:
• your appearance;
• your character;
• your interests.
Dear Sam,
I am a tall, sporty teenager, rather friendly and outgoing, who adores meeting new people. I also like learning foreign languages. So it would be really great for me to email in English in order to enrich my knowledge of it!
Hope to join your site soon!
Любий Семе!
Я високий, спортивної статури підліток, доволі товариський і дружелюбний, обожнюю знайомитися з новими людьми. Мені також подобається вивчати іноземні мови. Тому було б добре листуватися англійською мовою через електронну пошту для того, щоб збагатити свої знання з англійської!
Сподіваюся скоро приєднатися до вашого сайту!
I had the impressive trip last summer. I was in Egypt the weather was perfect, the sea was clean and warm. I visited Cairo, the capital of the country, and saw famous pyramids. I also travelled to Jerusalem, the spiritual capital of Israel. It was the trip I would always remember!
Минулого літа у мене була вражаюча мандрівка. Я була в Єгипті. Погода була прекрасна, вода в морі чиста і тепла. Я побувала в Каїрі, столиці країни, та бачила знамениті піраміди. Я також відвідала духовну столицю Ізраїлю, Єрусалим. Це була мандрівка, про яку ж пам’ятатиму завжди!
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