ГДЗ Англійська мова 3 клас. Підручник [Губарєва С. С., Павліченко О. М.] 2020
1. Listen, read and match.d - 1) This is a journalist. A journalist makes TV programmes.
e - 2) This is a cook. A cook cooks food for people.
f - 3) This is a farmer. A farmer has got a farm with many animals.
a - 4) This is a designer. A designer makes clothes for men, women and children.
g - 5) This is an engineer. An engineer makes new machines and devices.
b - 6) This is a mechanic. A mechanic helps an engineer to make new machines and fixes old cars.
c - 7) This is an artist. An artist paints beautiful pictures.
2. Look, ask and answer.
Number 1. who does she want to be?
She wants to be a cook.
Number 2. who does he want to be?
He wants to be a journalist.
Number 3. who does he want to be?
He wants to be a farmer.
Number 4. who does she want to be?
She wants to be a mechanic.
Number 5. who does he want to be?
He wants to be a fashion designer
Number 6. who does she want to be?
She wants to be an engineer.
Number 7. who does she want to be?
She wants to be an artist.
Number 8. who does he want to be?
He wants to be a vet.
3. Listen and point.
Max: Let’s have a quiz! Are you ready?
Olenka and Vlad (together): Yes, we are!
Max: This man or woman cooks tasty food.
Vlad: This is a cook!
Max: You are right! Next. This man or woman has got a farm.
Olenka: This is a farmer!
Max: You are right! Next. This man or woman makes nice clothes for other people.
Olenka: This is a designer!
Max: You are right! Next. This man or woman makes TV programmes.
Vlad: This is a journalist!
Max: You are very clever, children! What do you want to be?
Olenka: I want to be a designer or an artist.
Vlad: I want to be an engineer.
4. Look, read and choose the correct sentence. Write the correct sentences in your copybook.
1. a) This woman is an artist.
2. a) These children want to be mechanics.
3. b) These men are farmers.
4. a) This child wants to be a policeman.
5. a) This man is an engineer.
6. b) These women are policewomen.