ГДЗ Англійська мова 3 клас. Test Book [Карпюк К.Т., Карпюк О.Д.] 2020
Test 2. Sweet home
1. Доповніть речення in або at.1. Sarah is at the camp.
2. Jack is in the village.
3. Tom and Ben are at home.
4. Sam is in the bedroom.
5. My son is at school.
6. The cat is in the kitchen.
2. Подивіться на малюнок і дайте відповіді на запитання (с. 10), як у прикладі.
1. Where is the living room? -> It is on the left.
2. Where is the table? -> It is in the living room.
3. Where is the carpet? -> It linear the table.
4. Where is the window? —It is in the livingroom.
5. Where is the cat? -> It is under the table.
6. Where is the book? -> It is on the table.
7. Where is the lamp? -> It is above the carpet.
8. Where is the bathroom? -> It is on the right.
3. Позначте (V) правильний варіант.
1. Не works in a hospital. Не is (c) a doctor.
2. My dad has a business. He is (b) a businessman.
3. Her aunt works in an office. She is (a) a secretary.
4. Tom works in a taxi company. He is (b) a driver.
5. Jane works in a shop. She is (c) a seller.
6. Bill sings and his sister dances. They are (a) a singer and a dancer.
7. Uncle John has a Lot of cows and chickens. He is (b) a farmer.
8. Ed works in a cafe. He is (c) a waiter.
4. Прослухайте текст і напишіть Т (правда) або F (хибно) поруч із реченнями. Потім розкажіть партнеру про свою сім'ю.
1. Nick has got a big family -> T
2. His grandpa and his grandma Live in a city. -> F
3. Nick doesn't live with his parents. -> F
4. His father's name is Bob. -> T
5. His mother's name is Kate. -> T
6. Nick has got a little brother. -> F
7. His uncle's name is Gejrge. -> T
8. His aunt's name is Sam. -> F
9. Nick has got three cousins. -> T
10. Nick wants a cat for his birthday. -> F
5.Прочитайте текст і заповніть поля з іменами, як у прикладі.
У Джейн є бабуся та дідусь - Дженна та Джек. Її тата звуть Майкл, мати - Хелен. У неї також є брат - Люк і сестра - Сью. Її дядько - Дейв, а тітка - Белла. У неї також є двоюрідний брат - Том. Джейн дуже любить свою сім'ю!
Tom Dave
Jane Bella
Luke Mike
Sue Helen
Jenna Jack
6. Подивіться на малюнки та запишіть роботу людей, як у прикладі. Потім запишіть, яка робота вашого тата / мами.
Bill is a teacher. Susan is a singer
Julia is a secretary.
Clare is dancer.
Tim is a seller.
David is a doctor.
John is a farmer.
Ed is a waiter.