ГДЗ Англійська мова 3 клас. Робочий зошит [Мітчелл Г.К., Марілені Малкогіанні] 2020
3 Клас / Англійська мова,
1 715,
7. Where were you yesterday? (Сторінка 58 - 65)
Сторінка 581. Слухайте та з'єднайте.
Where were you
1. -> c (book shop); 2. -> b (fast food restaurant); 3. -> d (shopping center); 4. -> a (home).
2. Прочитайте і напишите.
1. Paul and John were at the pet shop yesterday.
2. I was at the playground yesterday afternoon.
3. Jenny was at the hospital yesterday.
4. Dave and I were at the theatre yesterday evening.
5. He was at home in the morning.
6. Where was Neil yesterday morning?
3. Прочитайте та поставте галочки на правильних малюнках.
2 - V; 3 - V; 6 - V.
Yesterday morning Kim was at home. In the afternoon, she was at the park with her friend Ann. In the evening, she was at the cinema.
Вчора вранці Кім була вдома. Вдень вона була в парку зі своєю подругою Енн. Увечері вона була в кінотеатрі.
Сторінка 59
1. Читай, дивись і пиши.
(1) Greg was at the cinema (2) last night. The film was funny (3) and scary (4). Anna (5) was there too. She was hungry (6). The popcorn (7) was delicious (8).
2. Прочитай та обведіть. Тоді подивись і з'єднай.
1) Was Lee at home yesterday afternoon? -> e. Yes, he was.
2) Were the children at home yesterday? -> d. No, they weren't.
3) Was the film funny? -> b. No, it wasn't.
4) Was the cake delicious? -> a. Yes, it was.
5) Was Tom hungry? -> c. No, he wasn't.
Сторінка 60
1. Прочитай і добери пару.
a. tornado (смерч) -> 5.
b. fast (швидко) -> 4.
с. dangerous(небезпечно) -> 2.
d. basement (підвал) -> 6.
e. street (вулиця) -> 1.
f. sky (небо) -> 3.
2. Подивись і напиши. Використовуй was/were або wasn't/weren't.
Yesterday, there was a tornado. There (1) were cars and trees in the sky. There (2) were trains too!
There (3) weren't bikes in the sky. There (4) weren't people in the streets.
Сторінка 61
1. Подивись і напиши. Використовуй boring, interesting, scary, noisy
1. How was the museum? (Як було в музеї?) -> It was interesting. (Було цікаво.)
2. How was the film? (Як пройшов фільм?) -> The film was scary.
(Фільм був страшним.)
3. How was the amusement park? (Як було в паркі розваг?) -> It was noisy. (Було шумно.)
4. How was the circus? (Як було в цирку?) -> The circus was boring. (B цирку було нудно.)
2. Читайте і відповідайте про себе.
1. Where were you yesterday morning? -> I was at school yesterday morning.
(Де ви були вчора вранці?) -> (Вчера утром я был в школе).
2. How was it? -> It was interesting.
(Як було?) -> (Було цікаво.)
3. Where were you yesterday afternoon? -> I was walking with friends on the street yesterday afternoon.
(Де ви були вчора вдень?) -> (Вчора вдень я гуляв з друзями на вулиці.)
4. How was it? -> It was fun.
(Як було?) -> (Було весело.)
5. Where were you yesterday evening? -> I was at home yesterday evening.
(Де ти був вчора ввечері?) -> (Вчора ввечері я був вдома.)
6. How was it? -> It was fine.
(Як було7) > (Було добре.)
Сторінка 62
1. Перепишіть речення, використовуючи підсилювачі.
1. The shopping centre was very noisy.
2. The Lions were so scary.
3. The vegetable soup was really delicious.
2. Знайдіть прикметники.
3. Напишіть про свої вихідні. Дайте відповіді на запитання на Сторінка 89 у підручнику.
Потім презентуйте це класу.
Му weekend
On Saturday morning, I was at the shopping centre with my mother and father. At first it was interesting, but then it was boring.
On Saturday afternoon, I was walking with friends. We played catch.
That was funny.
On Sunday morning, my parents and I went to the park. We played ball.
It was a lot of fun.
On Sunday evening, I did my homework. I did my homework in English, mathematics. It was a little boring.
Сторінка 63
1. Де були діти на вихідних? Прочитайте історію ще раз і зрівняйте.
1) -> d (fast food restaurant).
2) -> b. (circus)
3) -> c. (cinema)
4) -> a. (playground)
2. Прочитайте ще раз і обведіть.
1. There [were] lions at the circus.
2. The cheeseburgers [were] delicious.
3. Ben [was] with his family on Saturday afternoon.
4. Will [wasn't] very careful.
3. Вам подобається історія?
Вибирай і забарвлюй.
Сторінка 64
1. Послухайте і обведіть слово, яке не належить
1. cake dates [nose]
2. teacher [white] beach
3. white rice [rose]
4. [home] food bathroom
5. [computer] eat teacher
2. Знайди і обведи. Потім напишіть кожне слово під правильним символом.
Сторінка 65
1. Прочитай і добери пару,
1. Was Karen at home last Saturday? -> Yes, she was.
Минулої суботи Карен була вдома? -> Так.
2. Were they at the amusement park yesterday? -> c. No, they weren't.
Вони були вчора в парку розваг? -> с. Ні, вони не були.
3. Was the film funny? -> d. No, it wasn't.
Фільм був смішним? —> d. Hi, не був.
4. Were there any lions at the circus? > a. Yes, there were.
Чи були в цирку леви? -> а. Так, були.
5. Was the cake delicious? -> b. Yes, it was.
Пирії був смачним? -> b. Так.
2. Подивись і напиши. Як було в місті до торнадо?
There was a park in the town. There wasn't an amusement park in the town. There wasn't a theatre in the town. There was a cinema in the town. There wasn't a shopping centre in the town. There was a cinema in the town. There were two schools in the town. There were three restaurants in the town. There wasn't a circus in the town.
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