ГДЗ Англійська мова 4 клас. Робочий зошит [Косован О., Вітушинська Н.] 2021

icon22.11.2023, icon4 Клас / Англійська мова , icon1 378, icon0

Unit 1. It’s My Life
Сторінка 7
1. Перепишіть речення, як у прикладі. Використовуйте наші чи їхні.
1. We like playing basketball most of all. Our favourite sport is basketball.
2. They like blue colour most of all. Their favourite colour is blue.
3. My brother and I like playing chess most of all. Our favourite game is playing chess.
4. Tom and Nick like a toy helicopter most of all. Their favourite toy is helicopter.
5. Kate and I like dolls most of all. Our favourite toys are dolls.
2. Напишіть, що люблять робити діти.
1. playing basketball
2. playing chess
3. playing volleyball
4. playing tennis
3. Подивіться на приклад 2 і складіть речення, як у прикладі.
1. Their favourite game is basketball.
2. Their favourite game is chess.
3. Their favourite sport is volleyball.
4. Their favourite sport is tennis.
Сторінка 8
1. Напишіть, що робить Катя у неділю.
1. Kate sometimes flies a kite on Sundays.
2. Kate never dances on Sundays.
3. Kate always paints on Sundays.
4. Kate never skips on Sundays.
5. Kate sometimes goes to the cinema on Sundays.
6. Kate always rides a bike on Sundays.
2. Складіть заперечні речення.
1. They often drink orange juice. They don't drink orange juice often.
2. I watch cartoons with my brother. I don't watch cartoons with my brother.
3. We help our mum in the kitchen on Sunday. We don't help our mum in the kitchen on Sunday.
4. They play computer games in the evening. They don't play computer games in the evening.
5. We often listen to music. We don’t listen to music often.
Сторінка 9
1. Доповніть діалоги.
1. Do you often read books? No, I don't.
2. Does she like riding bikes? Yes, she does.
3. Does he do his homework? No, he does not.
2. Складіть запитання та запишіть відповіді. Використовуйте приклад.
1. Do you like dancing? — Yes, I do.
2. Do you like skating? - Yes, I do.
3. Do you like reading books? - Yes, I do.
4. Do you lie cooking? - No, I don't.
5. Do you like playing football? - No, I don't.
3. Складіть запитання про те, що любить ваш друг.
1. Do you like playing chess?
2. Do you like playing basketball?
3. Do you like riding a bike?
4. Do you like painting?
Сторінка 10
1. Заповнити пропущені місця.
1. chess club
2. fitness club
3. basketball club
4. tennis club
5. volleyball club
6. yoga club
7. drama club
8. computer club
9. karate club
10. football club
2. Заповніть членські квитки своїх друзів.
Age 9
Name Bogdan Yakovenko
Age 9
Name Kristina Komarchuk
Age 10
Name Katia Kalenska
Age 9
3. Подивіться на членські квитки у прикладі 2 і складіть речення, як у прикладі.
1. Taras is good at chess.
2. Bogdan is good at karate.
3. Kristina is good at volleyball.
4. Katia is good at yoga.
Сторінка 11.
1. Заповнити пропущені місця.
1. What is your hobby? — I'm fond of dancing.
2. Maggie is good at doing sums.
3. Jane and Tom are interested in history.
4. His favourite sport is tennis.
5. There are different clubs in our school.
6. I like football and volleyball. I want to join the Sports Club.
2. З'єднай.
1. I go to the Chess Club. - D. I'm good at playing chess.
2. My favourite sport is karate. - A. I'm going to join the Karate Club.
3. I'm not interested in Math. - E. I don't like doing sums.
4. I'm fond of painting. - В. I have got different paintings.
5. I like basketball. - C. I usually watch basketball games.
Сторінка 12
1. Заповніть таблицю.
Language / Nationality
France Canada Ukraine Germany Italy
French Canadian Ukrainian German Italian
2. Заповнити пропущені місця.
It is a School Hobby (1) Fair today. Children (2) present their (3) collections here. Andrew (4) collects coins. There are (':) coins from (6) different countries in his collection. He has got English, German, Ukrainian and (7) Canadian coins. Andrew's (8) favourite coins are from (9) Canada. Andrew is a good (10) collector.
3. Напишіть про своє захоплення (3-4 речення).
I like collecting coins. I have got different coins. There are few very old coins in my collection. My grandfather helps me to collect them. My favourite coins are from the USA.
Сторінка 13
1. Знайдіть відповідність і запишіть.
1. Не is walking in the jungle.
2. I am playing a computer game.
3. She is reading a book.
4. You are doing a homework.
2. Запишіть слова в дужках Present Continuous.
Dan is busy now. He (1) is playing (to play) the computer game Spelling Bees. Dan (2) is building (to build) a bee house. He (3) is listening (to listen) to English words and (4) making (to make) them from letter bricks. Dan (5) is using (use) the keyboard to type the letters. He (6) is clicking (click) very fast! Dan wants to build the highest bee house.
Сторінка 14
1. Складіть питання та заперечні речення.
1. I am singing. Am I singing? — I am not singing.
2. He is skiing. Is he skiing? - No, he is not skiing.
3. She is doing sums. Is she doing sums? - No, she is not.
4. They are listening to music. Are they listening to music? - No, they are not listening to music.
5. We are playing in the snow. Are we playing in the snow? - No, we are not playing in the snow.
Запишіть відповіді, як у прикладі.
1. Is Mike skipping now? No, he is not. He is watching TV now.
2. Is Ann riding a bike now? No, she is not. She is skipping.
3. Is Jane playing football now? No, she is not. She is watching a cartoon.
4. Is John reading a book now? No, he is not. He is playing football.
Сторінка 15
1. Складіть запитання.
1. What are they doing? They are watching TV now.
2. What is he doing? He is playing tennis now.
3. What am I doing? I am doing sums now.
4. What are we doing? We are playing games now.
2. Напишіть, чим зараз займаються діти.
1. She is riding a bike now.
2. He is cleaning the room.
3. He is doing homework.
4. She is having a lunch.
5. They are reading a book.
6. They are skipping.
Сторінка 16
1. Напишіть короткі відповіді.
1. Is the father reading? No, he isn't.
2. Is the boy playing with the helicopter? Yes, he is.
3. Is the girl watching cartoons? No, she isn't.
4. Are the girl and her mother reading? Yes, they are.
2. Подивіться на малюнок у прикладі 1. Виправити помилки.
1. The father is playing chess. Dad is playing a computer game.
2. The mother is watching a fairy tale. Mum is reading a fairy tale.
3. The boy is sitting in the armchair. The boy is sitting on the carpet.
4. The girl is reading a fairy tale with her father. The girl is reading a fairy tale with her mother.
3. Напишіть, що зараз роблять члени вашої родини.
Му dad is watching TV. My mum is cooking dinner.
My sister is playing with toys. My cat is sleeping on the sofa.
Сторінка 17
1. Обведіть і запишіть.
1. I am (A) riding a roller coaster in this photo.
2. My father is playing (B) the guitar.
3. They (C) are driving a bumper car.
4. We are (A) taking photos of dinosaurs.
5. He is dancing (C) with a pirate.
2. Складіть діалоги, як у прикладі.
What is he doing now? — He is skiing.
What is she doing now? - She is taking photos.
What are they doing now? - They are dancing.
What is he doing now? - He is eating the cake.
Сторінка 18
1. Зіставте діалоги.
1. Are they playing computer games? - E. No, they aren't.
2. Is Ann listening to music? - C. Yes, she is.
3. Do you read books often? - A. Yes, I do.
4. Am I watching cartoons now? - F. No, I'm not.
5. Does he usually get up early? - B. No, he doesn't.
6. Is he riding a bike with friends? - D. Yes, he is.
2. Обведіть правильний варіант.
1. Tom plays computer games every Sunday.
2. Megan and I aren't driving bumper car now.
3. My sister listens to music every morning.
4. Bob is cleaning his room now.
5. He likes playing football very much.
6. I sometimes go swimming after school.
Сторінка 19
3. Напишіть, що ви зазвичай робите вдома. Напишіть, що ваш друг зараз робить у школі.
I usually get up at seven o'clock. I usually make my bed, wash my face, clean my teeth and do morning exercises. I usually have my breakfast at 7:30. I usually help my parent about the house, do my homework and play computer games. In the evening I usually watch TV with my parents.
My friend has English now. He is reading the story. He is translating. He is writing down new words. He is repeating the new words. Now he is making the dialogues with his classmate. They are discussing the story.

iconГДЗ Робочий зошит 2021 Зошит Підручники і посібники Англійська мова 4 клас Косован Вітушинська
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