ГДЗ Англійська мова 4 клас. Робочий зошит [Косован О., Вітушинська Н.] 2021

icon22.11.2023, icon4 Клас / Англійська мова , icon1 378, icon0

Unit 4. Health and Body Care
Сторінка 47
1. Позначте правильний варіант.
1. Wash your hands before meals.
4. Don't skip breakfast.
5. Fruit and vegetables give you vitamins.
7. Don't eat sweets before meal.
8. Do sport.
10. Brush your teeth three times a day.
2. З'єднай і склади речення.
I wash my hands before meals.
I brush my teeth three times a day.
I do sport.
I eat fruit and vegetables.
I don't eat with dirty hands.
I eat sweets after meals.
Сторінка 48
1. Познач хорошу та погану їжу. Складіть речення за зразком.
1. I think apples are good for my health.
2. I think pizza is bad for my health.
3. I think milk is good for my health.
4. I think ice-cream is bad for my health.
5. I think salad is good for my health.
6. I think sweets are bad for my health.
7. I think fish is good for my health.
8. I think Coca-Cola is bad for my health.
2. Виправте помилки.
1. Much TV and computer is bad tor your hoar:
2. Fitness training is good for your body.
3. "Couch potatoes" watch too much TV.
4. Your body needs a lot of action.
Сторінка 49
1. З'єднай і склади речення.
1. You should eat good food to stay healthy.
2. You should get a good sleep to stay healthy,
3. You shouldn't eat much sweets to stay.
4. You shouldn't watch much TV to stay healthy.
5. You should wash often to stay healthy.
6. You shouldn't skip morning exercises to stay healthy.
2. Напишіть, що ще потрібно робити, щоб бути здоровим.
Таке care of teeth, eat healthy food, drink a lot water, spend more time outside, do sport.
Сторінка 50
1. Заповнити пропущені місця.
Your (1) teeth are very important for you. Strong and healthy teeth help you to speak clearly and (2) eat. And they help you look your best.
Take (3) care of your teeth to keep them strong and healthy all the time. You should (4) brush them two or three times a day for three minutes. Choose a soft (5) toothbrush. And don't put too much (6) toothpaste on it. Don't forget to (7) change your toothbrush every three months. Sweets and (8) sugar are very bad for your teeth. Eat lots of (9) fruit and vegetables and drink (10) water instead of cola. Remember to go to the (11) dentist's twice a year. And don't forget to (12) smile!
2. Напиши, як ти розумієш це прислів'я.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Apples are very good for our health. They have a lot of vitamins and they can also clean our teeth.
Сторінка 51
1. Знайдіть, обведіть і запишіть 8 слів і словосполучень.
1. cold
2. headache
3. toothache
4. stomach ache
5. cough
6. broken leg
7. sore throat
8. high temperature
Сторінка 52
1. Обведіть правильний варіант.
1. I've got a headache. [а] You should go to sleep.
2. I've got a stomach ache, [в] You shouldn't eat anything. Let's call the doctor!
3. I've got a toothache. [a] You should go to the dentist's.
4. I've got a sore throat. [b] You should drink warm tea with honey.
5. I've got a cold. [a] You should stay in bed and take your temperature.
6. I've got a high temperature. [a] You should stay in bed. Let's call the doctor!
7. I've got a broken leg. [b] You shouldn't walk.
8. I've got a cough. [a] You should take some cough mixture.
Сторінка 53
1. З'єднайте та складіть діалоги за зразком.

1. take - D. medicine
2. put - A. a cast
3. stay - В. in bed
4. pull out - E. a tooth
5. open - C. a mouth
1. Patient: I've got a cold.
Doctor: Take this medicine twice a day.
2. P: I've got a broken leg.
D: You should put a cast on it.
3. P: I've got a high temperature.
D: You should stay in bed and call the doctor.
4. P: I've got a toothache.
D: I need to pull out your bad tooth.
5. P: I've got a sore throat.
D: Open your mouth. I need to look on it.
Сторінка 54
1. Заповніть пропуски.
1. vet
2. doctor
3. dentist
4. hanky
5. runny nose
6. paper tissues
2. Обведіть і запишіть.
1. I've got a sore (A) throat. Give me some tea with lemon, please.
2. Try this (C) cough syrup. It will make you feel better.
3. You've got a high temperature and a stomach ache. Let's call the (A) doctor!
4. You can put a wet (B) towel on your head if you've got a headache.
5. He has got a runny nose. Give him some paper (A) tissues.
6. I've got a terrible headache and feel (A) sick. What should I do?
Сторінка 55
1. З'єднай і склади речення.
1. When I have got the flu, I stay at home.
2. When I have runny nose. I use paper tissues.
3. When I have a cold. I drink warm tea with honey.
4. When I have a headache. I put a wet towel on the head.
5. When I have a bad tooth. I go to the dentists.
2. Напишіть симптоми грипу.
High temperature, couth, headache, fewer, runny nose, sore throat.
Сторінка 56
1. Позначте правильний варіант.
1. Luka didn't do his homework on Wednesday afternoon.
4. There were many kids in the waiting room.
5. Luka didn't have a high temperature.
8. Luka didn't have a stomach ache.
9. Luka had a Maths test.
11. Luka's teacher Mr Southgate was ill.
2. Запишіть протилежності.
1. bad - good 4. usual — unusual
2. healthy — sick 5. glad — dull
3. empty — full 6. unlucky - lucky
3. Складіть речення з довільними словами з впр.2.
1. I'm so glad to meet my friends!
2. The bottle of water was empty.
3. He felt sick, that's why he stayed at home.
4. The girl had unusual name.
Сторінка 57
1. Обведіть зайве,
1. A. doctor
2. A. broken leg
3. A. healthy
4. (А. chips)
5. A. the flu
6. A. cola
В. dentist
(В. good health)
(B. sick)
B. meat
B. cold
B. sweets
C. vet
C. bad tooth
C. fit
C. cheese
(C. hanky)
C. hamburger
(D. teacher)
D. runny nose
D. sporty
D. fish
D. cough
D. milk
2. Пронумеруй щоб вийшов діалог.
1. Good afternoon. How can I help you?
2. Good afternoon, doctor! I don't feel very well.
3. What's the matter?
4. I've got a sore throat and a high temperature.
5. Sit down here, please. Open your mouth.
6. AAAAAA...
7. It's nothing serious, just a cold.
8. Can I go to school tomorrow?
9. No, you should stay at home and drink warm tea.
Сторінка 58
3. Складіть речення.
1. She's got a cough.
2. He's got a headache.
3. She's got a runny nose.
4. He's got a stomach ache.
5. She's got a toothache.
6. He's got a broken.
7. She's got a sore throat.
8. He's got a high temperature.
4. Напишіть, що робити, коли у вас висока температура.
When you've got a high temperature, you should stay in bed. Take some medicine, drink some water and put a wet towel on your head. If the temperature doesn't fall down - call the doctor.

iconГДЗ Робочий зошит 2021 Зошит Підручники і посібники Англійська мова 4 клас Косован Вітушинська
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