ГДЗ Англійська мова 4 клас. Робочий зошит [Косован О., Вітушинська Н.] 2021

icon22.11.2023, icon4 Клас / Англійська мова , icon1 380, icon0

Unit 6. On the Move
Сторінка 68
1. Позначте правильний варіант.
1. Tim is travelling by train.
3. Jane is travelling by plane.
4. Kate is travelling on foot.
6. Ann is travelling by car.
2. Знайдіть відповідність і запишіть.
1. to be on a trip
2. to travel by car
3. to stay at home
4. to fly in a plane
5. to ride a bike
3. Написати відповіді.
1. What is the most comfortable transport?
The most comfortable transport is a train.
2. Which transport is faster: a bike or a bus?
A bus is faster than a bike.
3.How do you like to travel?
I like to travel by car.
Сторінка 69
1. Складіть запитання та короткі відповіді, як у прикладі.
1. I don't go to school by taxi.
Do you go to school by taxi? — No, I don't.
2. I travel around Ukraine by train.
Do you travel around Ukraine by train? — Yes, I do.
3. I ride a bike to my grandparents.
Do you ride a bike to your grandparents? - Yes, I do.
4. I don't go by train to the river.
Do you go by train to the river? - No, I don't.
5. I don't go to school on foot.
Do you go to school on foot? - No, I don't.
6. I travel to the seaside by plane.
Do you travel to the seaside by plane? - Yes, I do.
2. Закінчить про себе.
1. Last summer I travelled to the seaside by train.
2. Last summer I travelled to the mountains by car.
3. Last summer I travelled to the river by car.
4. Last summer I travelled to my grandma by taxi.
5. Last summer I travelled to the city by taxi.
6. Last summer I travelled to my friends on foot.
Сторінка 70
1. Обведіть правильний варіант.
1. We are going to meet my friend at the railway station.
2. The train number 38 arrives at platform five.
3. The train number 177 leaves at 3:00.
4. Our train leaves from platform two.
5. Let's go to the information desk.
2. Заповнити пропущені місця.
1. Do they like my brother and me? — Yes, they like you.
2. Do you like your parents? — Yes, I like them.
3. Do you like your sister? — Yes, I like her.
4. Do you like English? — Yes, I like it.
5. Do your friends like you? — Yes, they like і ne.
6. Do you like your brother? — Yes, I like him.
7. Does Ann like you and me? — Yes, she likes us.
3. Запишіть, як у прикладі.
- When does the train from London arrive?
- At 5:45.
- Which platform?
- Platform four.
- Thank you.
- When does the train from Kyiv arrive?
- At 2:30
- Which platform?
- Platform one
- Thank you.
Сторінка 71
1. Розшифруйте та пронумеруйте.
1. photo. 2. camera. 3. ticket. 4. hotel. 5. suitcase. 6. passenger.
2. Складіть речення за зразком.
1. Ann travels by car to learn new things.
2. A travel by train for pleasure.
3. My father travels by plane on business.
4. His relatives travel by plane to take pictures.
Сторінка 72
1. Установіть відповідність між предметами та місцями. Складіть із словами ще чотири речення.
1. book - С. luggage 5. train - G. railway station
2. plane - E. airport 6. bus - B. bus station
3. ticket - A. ticket office 7. timetable - D. timetable board
4. boat - F. seaside
1. It is not my book in the luggage.
2. You can buy the ticket at ticket office.
3. What time does train arrive to the railway station?
4. The bus left the bus station two hours ago.
5. You can see the timetable at the timetable board.
2. Завершити діалог.
— I would like two (1) tickets to Odesa, please.
— (2) When are you going to leave?
— In the morning.
— Just a minute, please. I think the train (3) number 32 is the best for you.
— When does it (4) leave?
— At 6 a.m.
— Excellent And when does it (5) arrive in Odesa?
— At 2 p.m.
— OK. (6) How much are two tickets?
— 300 hryvnias.
— Thank you.
— (7) Have a nice trip!
Сторінка 73
1. Розшифруйте речення. Складіть до них запитання.
1. You can get to the airport by bus. How can I get to the airport?
2. There is an underground in Kyiv. Where is an underground?
3. I took a trolleybus yesterday. What did you take yesterday?
4. It is not easy to catch a taxi now. When is not easy to catch a taxi?
5. It is cheaper to go by tram than by bus. Is it cheaper to go by tram than by bus?
2. Викреслити зайве. Складіть із ними речення.
1. A. tram
B. trolleybus
C. underground
(D. ticket)
2. A. ticket office
(B. clerk)
C. timetable
D. information
3. A. taxi
(B. plane)
4. (A. luggage)
B. airport
C. bus
D car

C. bus station
D railway station
1. Peter bought a ticket to London last week.
2. The clerk gave us our key from the room.
3. The plane was delayed by an hour.
4. I'm always afraid to loose my luggage.
Сторінка 74
1. З'єднай та пронумеруй.
1. Piccadilly - D. Circus
2. Madame - A. Tussauds museum
4. the Houses of - В. Parliament
3. the London - F. Eye
5. Oxford - C. Street
6. open-top - E. bus
2. Складіть речення за зразком.
1. be / London — I was in London last year.
2. visit / the London Eye — I didn't visit the London Eye last year,
3. take / photos — I took photos.
4. see / Oxford Street — I didn't see the Oxford Street.
5. do / shopping — I did the shopping.
Сторінка 75
1. Обведіть правильний варіант.
1. Jane's granny missed her a lot.
2. Jane's grandpa lives in Wales.
3. Jane's grandparents are going to come.
4. Jane's grandparents are coming by train.
5. Jane is meeting them at the railway station.
6. They need to find the information desk.
7. The train from Wales arrives at 5:10 p.m.
8. The train will be on platform three.
2. Складіть запитання та короткі відповіді, як у прикладі.
1. Jane's granny wasn't on the phone.
Was Jane's granny on the phone? — No, she wasn't.
2. Jane's mother talked with her grandpa.
Did Jane's mother talk with her grandpa? — Yes, she did.
3. Jane's grandparents aren't coming by coach bus.
Are Jane's grandparents coming by coach bus? - No, they aren't.
4. Jane's father wants to find the information desk.
Does Jane's father want to find the information desk? - Yes, he does.
5. The train from Wales doesn't arrive at 4 p.m.
Does the train from Wales arrive at 4 p.m.? - No, it doesn't.
6. Jane is meeting her grandparents at 5 p.m.
Is Jane meeting her grandparents at 5 p.m.? - Yes, she is.
Сторінка 76
1. Позначте малюнки.
bus - boat - car
tram - trolleybus - bike
train - double-decker - taxi -plane
Сторінка 77
2. Закінчіть речення. Використайте слова у формі впр.1.
1. The fastest transport in the city: a car, a taxi.
2. The most comfortable transport: a train, a boat.
3. The slowest transport: a bike.
4. The most interesting transport: a double-decker, a tram.
5. The fastest transport in the world: a plane.
6. My favourite transport: a train.
3. Обведіть правильний варіант.
1. to put into your suitcase
2. to be on a trip to England
3. to travel foi pleasure
4. to arrive in time
5. to go on foot
6. to stay for a weekend
7. to arrive at platform
8. to travel on business
9. to leave for Kyiv
10. to get to the airport
4. Напишіть про свою останню подорож (5-6 речень). Використовуйте Past Simple.
Му last trip was fantastic. It was the trip to Bukovel. I skied, sledged and played snowballs with my friends. We lived it the beautiful hotel. The weather was snowy, so we made a lot of photos in snow.

iconГДЗ Робочий зошит 2021 Зошит Підручники і посібники Англійська мова 4 клас Косован Вітушинська
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