ГДЗ Англійська мова 5 клас. Робочий зошит [Карп'юк О.Д.] 2018
5 Клас / Англійська мова,
5 860,
Unit 4
Lesson 1. Weather mix
Ex. 1 p. 72
It's snowy. It's cloudy. It's rainy.
It's windy. It's foggy. It's sunny.
Ex. 2 p. 72
1. It's foggy.
2. It's snowy.
3. It's sunnv.
4. It's cloudy.
5. It's rainv.
6. It's windy.
Ex. 3 p. 73
1. It's spring. It's warm. It's rains sometimes. Trees are in blossom. Everything i? green.
2. It's summer. It's hot. The sun is shining brightly. There are many fruits and berries in summer.
3. It's autumn. It's cold. It often rains. All trees are yellow. It's foggy and cloudy. It's windy. Leaves flies from the trees.
4. It's winter. It often snows. The sun shines but it's cold. It is sometimes frosty. There are much snow in the streets.
Ex. 4 p. 73
l. c
2. b
3. Monday / Saturday
4. c / d
Ex. 6 p. 75
When the weather is fine you can go swimming (go for a walk, play outride).
When the sun shines you like sunbathing (walking in a part« pkangjaesr the river).
When it rains you canrt plav in the yard (go for a walk).
Ex. 7 p. 75
1. It's thirty degrees in Sidney. It's very hot.
2. It's twenty degrees in Madrid. It's warm.
3. It's fifteen degrees in Berlin. It's cool.
4. It's ten degrees in London. It's cold.
5. It's zero degrees in Kyiv. It's freezing.
Ex. 8 p. 76
1. July. Itrs usually warm and sunny, about 20 degrees, but it's sometimes cloudy, and itrs sometimes hot.
2. August. It's usually hot and sunny, about 30 degrees, but it's sometimes rainy, and it's sometimes warm.
3. February. It's usually frosty and sunny, about 10 degrees below zero, but it's sometimes cod , but it often snows.
4. Yesterday. It's was cod yesterday. It was cloudy. It was about zero degree.
Ex. 9 a p. 77
It's going to be rainy in Great Britain. It's going to be cloudy in Spain,
It's going to.be sunny in France.
It's going to be rainy in Hungary.
It's going to be rainy in Poland.
It's going to be sunny in Croatia.
It's going to be foggy in Ukraine.
Ex. 9 b p. 78
1. It's not going to be snowy in Croatia.
2. It's going to be nice in France.
3. It's going to be very cold in Great Britain. People won't go to the seaside.
4. It's going to be rain in Austria and people need their umbrella.
5. People won't go skiing in Spain because it's not going to snow.
6. In Hungary people will stay at home because it is going to rain.
Ex. 10 p. 78
It is sunnv today.
It was cloudy yesterday.
It was cloudy and windv the day before yesterday.
In summer it is very hot and sunny.
In winter it is very cold and freezing.
We come in the forest because the weather is hot. We don't go to the forest because it is rain.
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